Last update: 04/06/2001
Volume 5 << Yoh's Story >>

The fight between Horo Horo and Yoh continued. However, at the end, Yoh was able to defeat Horo Horo. Horo Horo accepted the truth that he lost, and he also respects Yoh. Later, they become friends.

Before the next round, Kalim, one of the ten SF commissioners, warned Silva about Yoh's next challenger. So, Silva tried to convince Anna to tell Yoh to withdraw. However, Anna refused to do it because she believes in Yoh.

The next round begins, and Yoh's challenger is Faust VIII. Faust is a necromancer who can control the dead body. His ancestor is the infamous Dr. Faust, who sold his soul to Satan to become immortal. Faust told Yoh that he lost to the death. That's why he quit becoming a doctor. Right before they fight each other, Faust was interested in Manta's body. He used his power to capture and hurt Manta. Yoh was very angry with Faust and determine to defeat him. However, with his anger, Yoh used up all of his over soul power. Faust took the advantage of the situation and used his over soul, dearest Elisa, to kill Yoh.

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