Last update: 04/06/2001
Volume 7 << Soul Garden >>

The battle between Yoh and Ren begins. Ren has more over soul power than Yoh. However, Amidamaru's power is more than Bason's power.

Jun, Ren's sister, went back to China to see Tao En, Ren's father. Jun told En that Ren will lose to Yoh because Yoh has something that Ren didn't have, which is the ability to get to understand everyone's feeling.

Jun also said that Ren wanted to become Shaman King because he determined to destroy everything in the world. Ren was raised to take a revenge for his family. As he grown up, Ren knew only to hate and to kill others.

As the battle closed to the end, both Ren and Yoh decided to use their final attack on each other!!

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