Last update: 04/06/2001
Volume 9 << Shaman Route >>

Yoh was able to released Ren and Jun from the prison. However, Ren still wanted to defeat his father, so Yoh decided to help him. With the stronger heart and mind, finally, Ren was able to defeat his father.

Yoh and the rest headed back to Tokyo and wait for the departure day to Shaman Fight's final round. All of the shamans were gathered up in the American based to get ready to take off to the final round of Shaman Fight.

While Yoh and his friends were hanging out, the mysterious man named Haoh appears and asks Yoh to work for him. Haoh has a sacred soul, Spirit of Fire, with him. And it seems that many shamans, who enter the final round, follow Haoh. Yoh refused to do so.

It's time to leave for the Shaman Fight's final round. Everyone take off by Patch tribe's plane. However, before the plane arrived the final destination, everyone was forced to leave the plane and travel to Patch tribe by him/herself.

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