My Hobbies!!!

Before we start what is HOBBY???

Hobby is a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.

So now we can start with my hobbies!

1. Listening to Music.

I always love to listen to music because it helps me to calm myself also it is enjoying but I really really hate to sing a song hahhahaha. That's what I am!!!

2.Reading Books.

Reading books is one of things that I am fond of doing because through reading I can imagine many things, I can explore everything because of my imaginations... That's why I'm reading especially stories!!!

3. Watching Movies.

I think i know that many of us loves watching movies. It might be Korean,Thaiand, and American movie... but for me I always prefer watching Korean movies hahaha!

4. Food Trip.

Yeah yeah eating is the most popular hobby in the world hahaha. Foodtrip is one of the things that I am always doing whenever I'm alone or not... eating many kinds of food except HARAM ofcourse, is my dream hahaahah!!!