The Move That Changed My Life

"Where we moving?" asked my baby sister Alesha. "We're moving to Kent" my Mum, Jane, replied. 'Great! We're moving to Kent and what exactly is the matter with staying in Manchester?' I thought to myself. "Oh yes! Dad's in prison and is been let out soon so mam's doin a runner. Don't blam her. Im glad he went inside, he used to beat the whole family, apart from Alesha cause she was too young to do anything wrong. I got it the worst cause i was the cheeckiest the naughty one.'

3 months later 

We've been in Chatham, Kent for 2 months. Don't ask me about school-I've only been 7 times. It's boring and the teachers are bitches. On the first day Mrs Wrigley the twat gave us a detention for been late, even though it was my first day and I didn't know where I was going. Today I'm gonna to have to go cause school phoned mum and told her I've been missin school. So if I'm going to be off, she has to phone in

At school... 

"So Miss Morgan. You've finally decided to join us' bellowed Mr Macfadden from the front of the class. 'Yes unfortunately Sir. I have to' I replied just as loud. I hadn't really made any friends as I was never in school.

At break... 

"Are you Lee?" I asked this blonde boy. "Yeah why?" he replied. "Just wondering...have you got a light?" I asked cheekily hinting to the cigarette I was holding. �I thought you were after something, here u go!� he replied rummaging around in his pocket. �Thanks� I smiled as I took a drag. �Can I have a bit?� Lee whispered. �Sure� I said �Where you from? That ain�t a London accent!� Lee questioned. �Manchester!� I replied. The bell rang for class. �What you got?� I asked whilst spraying myself with body spray. 'Music.' he answered. �Same, you mind showing me where it is?' I flirted. ' that's what happens when u play truant young lady' he said grinning. He sounded like some old grandad!

Later that night

'Glad you came?' Lee yelled over the music. 'Extremely' I mouthed at him �You coming upstairs?' I said flirtily. We went upstairs into Lee's room and locked the door nothing happened though - what do you think I am? A slut?

December 2000:

'Lee, Im going home. I'm pissed!' I mumbled to Lee. 'I'll come with you' he offered. 'Lee let me open the door!' I moaned as Lee kissed my neck as I fumbled for my front door keys. �Your mum�s away isn't she?' he said in-between kisses. 'Yeah' I replied. Bang went the door as I slammed it shut. He swung me round and pressed me against the door. He rubbed his hands up and down my body. He ripped my coat off and then I pushed him on the sofa and started undoing his buttons on my shirt�and one thing led to another�

4 months later

�I can't tell him Laura, it would wreck his career! ' I whined. 'He's got to know Leigh! You�re pregnant - with his baby! ' Laura shouted. *creek* went the door. We both jumped. 'LEE!' we shouted. 'Can I talk to you?� Lee asked.  �Sure!� I replied walking into the kitchen with him. 'I really love you and I know were young but I love you with all my heart so.... Leigh-ann Morgan will u marry me?� he said whilst on one knee. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 'Yes' I whispered. He hugged me. 'Lee, I need to tell u something.' I cried. 'What...what's the matter?' he asked concerned. 'Well dya remember last Christmas..� he nodded. �Well it turns out I'm pregnant..' I told him. A smile spread across his face and at the same time a tear rolled down his cheek. 'Great!' Lee said as he kissed me.

5 months later

'One last push ur nearly there' shouted the midwife. A few moments later.. 'Congratulations! You have a baby boy!' the mid wife said placing the little bundle in my arms. �What shall we call him?�' Lee asked. 'Well I've always liked Ryan but there are 2 problems. Firstly he would be called Ryan Ryan! And secondly my brother is called Ryan!' I laughed 'Suppose!' Lee replied smiling. �What about Craig? Craig Jonathan Ryan? I asked. 'Yeah�that�s great! Lee whispered as he kissed me on the forehead.

Well life's great! I have the perfect husband doing what he loves most and the most gorgeous baby boy. And guess what? I've got twins on the way! Unfortunately my brother Ryan died when my dad caught him. My mum and Alesha have moved 2 Canada. Pity they cant see Craig growing up.

Bye! Or as Lee would say �Spanish!�


Joanna Hulme�2002-2003 Please do not copy or take anything from this site without my permission first. Thank You.

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