Fan Fics

I have slightly altered the wording in some of these fan fics-if they are yours and have a problem just email me and I'll try and sort it out for ya!

A Love That's Gonna Last Forever by Jessica

Dancing Takes Couples by Sara

Embarrassed! by Roxi

Dream Come True by Jodie

Was It Meant To Be? by Anna

How you can find the love of your life at a wedding... by Nadine

A story about friendship and love by Nadine

How a stranger can become the love of your life... by Nadine

Kindergarten Love by Nadine

Shopping Trip by Charlotte

The Move That Changed My Life by Claire

I Hope You Dance by Mairi

The Dream by Mairi

One More Try by Erin

Love At First Sight by Lil Gilmore

A cup of coffee..? by Ashley *new*


Write a Fan Fic

Do you like Blue? Are you an keen, enthusiastic writer? Dya think you're the next J.K Rowling? If the answer to those questions is yes then this is the place for you. Simply fill in the form below and press Submit. Then check back soon to see if its up here! (Click the links above to see examples of what Im looking for! You write the stories!)

Your Full Name:

Your Email Address:

Your Story Title:

Your Story:


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