The Dream

Lee and Mairi have been happily married for thirteen months. Mairi was nineteen years old and Lee was twenty-four years old at the time. They are expecting their first child in a matter of days. It is 10 o'clock in the morning, on May 14th, which is Mairi's birthday. 'Happy Birthday sweetie.' Lee said entering the bedroom. 'Hey babes.' Mairi said sitting up and placing her hands on her belly. He sat beside her, 'How does it feel to be twenty-one while you're carrying a baby inside you?' he said putting one arm around her and the other on her belly. She looked at him and smiled, 'Great. Thank you for everything.' 'You're welcome.' Lee answered as he smiled back. 'I love you.' Mairi said as a tear streamed down her left cheek. 'I love you too.' He said, wiping the tear away.


'Happy Birthday honey.' Debbie said cheerfully as she walked through the front door and gave Mairi a hug. 'Thank you. You're just in time for lunch.' Mairi explained as she shut the door and walked into the living room. 'Right Lee�' Duncan said, standing up, '� I hope you checked the expiration date on the stuff you're cooking.' and he walked over to Lee. 'Shut up man.' Lee said, giving Duncan a push. Debbie started laughing, but Mairi had a serious and painful look on her face. 'Baby.' Mairi said, rubbing her belly. 'Yeah honey?' Lee asked sweetly as he stirred the food. Debbie stopped laughing and looked at Mairi. 'No, baby.' Mairi said again. 'What?' Lee asked, turning around. Debbie jumped up and ran to comfort Mairi, 'No Lee! She's having the baby!' she screamed. 'Okay, okay.' Lee hesitated and ran to Mairi, 'Dunc, turn the gas off.' he took Mairi's hand and helped her up. 'Okay.' Duncan exclaimed and ran to the oven. 'Debbie, get the pillow and the bag from the hall.' 'Okay.' 'Dunc, get the car keys. You're driving.' 'Right.' 'Okay sweetie. It'll be okay.' Mairi kept breathing heavily and screaming in agony. There was blood on the living room floor. Lee started to feel queasy and worry even more. 


'What if she's not all right Duncan? The doctor says she's losing a lot of blood.' Debbie whispered as she cried. Duncan wrapped his arms around her, 'She will be okay.' he said rubbing her back. Lee exited Mairi's hospital room with tears in his eyes. Debbie and Duncan jumped up in sheer worry. 'What� what's wrong?' Debbie stuttered, still with tears in her eyes. 'Is she okay?' Duncan asked, anxiously. 'It's a girl!' Lee shouted. 'Really?' Debbie asked, hugging Lee. 'Congratulations, man.' Duncan said, smiling and patting Lee's back. All of a sudden, three doctors rushed into the room where Mairi is. 'Hey, what' going on?' Lee asked the last doctor. The doctor didn't say anything. He just ran into the room, but another doctor came out. 'What's happening doc? Is she all right?' Lee asked, his voice full of anxiety. 'She's not doing so well. She is losing a lot of blood, but there are highly trained doctors in with her right now.' The doctor said. 'Oh God.' Lee said, crying, 'Can I see her?' 'Yes you can, but it can only be for a short while.' 'Thank you.' Lee answered, gratefully as he and the doctor walked through. The scene was manic. There was one doctor taking notes by some machine. Two were fixing a tray full of tools and another one was comforting Mairi. 'Mairi?' Lee said, softly as he approached the bed. She turned her head to face him slowly, 'Hey.' she said softly with a smile. 'How are you?' he asked, stroking her head. 'A little sore. What are we gonna call our baby girl?' 'I don't know. We can decide later.' There was then a long pause filled with the beeping from the machine and the doctors who were fixing the tray. 'Lee?' Mairi said, drowsily. 'Yeah babe?' he whispered, taking her hand. 'I love you.' She said, starting to cry. Lee started to cry too, 'I love you too.' squeezing her hand tighter. Mairi's eyes closed and the life-support system gave out this one long beep. The doctors rushed over to her. One doctor pulled Lee aside. 'Mairi!' Lee yelled, 'What's happening to her?' 'She's gone into shock. I need you to step outside.' The doctor said. Lee was walked out of the room, he was in tears.


Debbie was in Duncan's arms crying. Lee had his head in his hands. The doctor who spoke to Lee earlier came out of Mairi's hospital room. Lee jumped up immediately. 'Is she okay?' Lee asked, fearing for his wife. He didn't like the look on the doctor's face. 'I'm sorry.' the doctor said. Lee burst out crying. 'She didn't make it.' Lee slumped down onto the chair behind him. Debbie could tell by his reaction that the news wasn't good. 'Oh dear God!' Debbie screamed and she ran down the corridor to the bathroom. The doctor sat beside Lee, 'You can go in and see her� if you want.' 'Thank you.' Lee said as he stood up and walked in. He sat next to her bed and took her lifeless hand, 'I know you've gone to a better place, but� did you really have to go now?' he struggled a laugh, 'The past thirteen months and the two years we were going out have been the best times of my life and I just want to say thank you. Also� I love you, so much.' He lay his head on her chest and started to fall asleep as a tear fell down his left cheek.


Duncan has been staying with Lee to help Lee out with the baby, whom Lee has named Mairi after her mum. It is June 16th, the day before Lee's birthday. 'I'm going to bed.' Lee said standing up. 'Right. Night man.' Duncan said, still staring at the TV. 'Night.' Lee said as he walked to his room. He took off his t-shirt and got into bed. The minute his head hit the pillow, he was out for the count.

Lee was walking in the park. It was late at night. He heard a noise in front of him. 'Who's there?' he yelled, but there was no answer. Next minute he saw a dark shadow moving in front of him. 'Who's there, I said?' Lee yelled again. He saw the shadow again and this time it was coming towards him� It was Mairi. She was wearing a long, white, feathered dress and she was barefoot. Lee was in complete shock.
'I'm dreaming, aren't I?' Lee asked with tears streaming down his face. 'Yes, you are. And now you must wake.' Mairi said in a soft voice. I don't want to wake. I want to stay here with you.' 'And I with you.'
'I miss you, so much.' He said, sniffing. 'Me too� Lee?' she asked. 'Yeah.' 'Happy Birthday.' She said with a smile. He rushed over to her and gave her a huge hug. 'You must wake now Lee.' She said. 'No.' Lee said, breaking away from her. She drifted away from him without moving her feet, 'Wake up Lee. Wake up. Wake up Lee.' She said, her voice echoing. 

'Wake up Lee!' Duncan shouted as he nudged him. Lee jumped up, sweating. ''What's wrong with you man? Duncan asked. Lee looked at the clock beside him. It was 8.30 in the morning. 'What do you mean?' Lee asked, confused as he got out of bed. 'You were talking in your sleep.' 'No I wasn't.' 'Yes you were.' 'What was I saying?' 'You were saying stuff like "I miss you" and how you don't want to wake.' Duncan said worried. 'Well�' 'What's wrong Lee?' Duncan asked, concerned. 'Right, don't say anything, but Mairi was in my dream.' 'Really?' Duncan asked as he sat down on Lee's bed. 'Yeah, it was really weird.' Lee said. 'What happened?' Duncan asked. And so Lee told Duncan everything that occurred in the dream. Including what she was wearing and what she said. And were they where. 'Whaaaa! Whaaaa!' Mairi (the baby) screamed. 'I better go get that.' Lee said to Duncan. 'Yeah.' Lee was about to walk out of his room when Duncan said something to him. 'Lee?' 'Yeah?' Lee asked as he stopped at the bedroom door. 'Happy Birthday.' Duncan said, smiling. Lee smiled and walked to Mairi's room, which was next door to Lee's room. He picked her up. 'There, there now.' he said, bopping her in his arms. She stopped crying and fell back to sleep. 


'So, what are you doing today for your birthday?' Duncan asked as he cleared his plate away. 'I was planning on taking Mairi to see her mum.' Lee said as he fed Mairi a spoonful of baby food. 'Oh, that sounds nice.' Duncan said, leaning against the worktop. 'Yeah.' Lee said, standing up and picking up Mairi. 


Mairi's grave was under a gorgeous blossom tree. Even though it was under a tree, it always seemed to capture the suns raise. The gravestone itself was an angel. It was carefully carved. It was just perfect. There were several flowers by the grave, mostly of lilies because they were Mairi's favourite flower. There was a card also by the grave, which read:

"We love you, angel. Love mum, dad, Tracey and Karen. xxx"

Tracey and Karen were Mairi's older sisters. Lee sat down in front of the grave, holding Mairi. 'Hey babe.' Lee said. There was then a long silence filled with only the sound of birds chirping and the whistle of the wind. Mairi was making funny noises. Lee laughed, 'Thanks for coming into my dream.' he said, smiling, 'I hope you heard what I said at the hospital. That being with you has been the best times of my life. I just wanted you to know, umm� Mairi is getting on well even though she's only a month old. She looks just like you. She has your eyes. Not to mention, she's gorgeous.' he laughed again, 'I also came here because I missed you.' he started to cry, 'I miss you everyday and I love you.' he said, wiping his tears away. Mairi appeared behind him, dressed the same as she was in his dream. She smiled and placed her hand on his right shoulder. He didn't move. He just placed his left hand on his right shoulder and smiled.


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