A story about friendship and love...

Chapter 1:

'Pfff�.let's go inside and sit down for a while' Jenny said to her friends Kerry and Suzie. The other agreed and they went inside. Jenny, Kerry and Suzie had been friends since they became classmates. Now, at the age of 18, they were still close and best friends. 'What do you two want to drink?' Jenny asked. 'Erm�a coke is fine with me' Kerry said. 'Me too' Suzie replied. Jenny went to get the drinks. As she went back they started to talk about their favourite subject; boys. Only Kerry had a boyfriend, Antony. But she didn't see him that much anymore because he joined a boyband a couple of months ago. Jenny and Suzie were single. Jenny broke up with her boyfriend after she caught him kissing an other girl. After a few drinks Jenny said: 'I have to go to the toilet, be right back'. And off she went. When she got back she saw a happy smiling Kerry. 'Hey, why are you so happy?' Jenny asked. 'Ant is home! He just texted me. And he brought the other boys with him!' Kerry yelled and laughed. 'Wow! That's good news!' Jenny smiled. She knew how much Kerry loves Antony. 'Yeah, and the best part is that the other boys are good looking and SINGLE' Suzie added. They all laughed and talked about the boys they were going to meet within an hour. After they finished their drinks they went home, to get ready.

Chapter 2:

'KERRY!!!!!!!' The girls turned round and saw Antony standing in the door. Kerry ran towards him and gave him a big hug and a big kiss. 'I've missed you!' they both said and laughed. 'Erm�Ant?' they heard and saw three guys standing behind him. 'Oh, sorry lads�.this is Kerry, my girlfriend, Jenny and Suzie' Antony introduced them. 'Nice to meet you girls' a blonde guy said, his name was Duncan. 'Nice to meet you too' Suzie said. She obviously couldn't keep her eyes off him. The two of them walked inside, together with Simon, an other lad. 'Oh Jenny' Ant said ' Lee is coming, he had to park the car'. 'Okay' Jenny said and waited at the door while the others went into the livingroom and started chatting. Finally a long, blonde guy came towards the door. 'Hi! I'm Lee' he said and shaked Jenny's hand. Wow! she thought. Such a goodlooking guy in my house! She sniggerd. 'I'm Jenny, please come in'. 'Thanks' Lee said and went inside. The boys and girls started talking and laughing. They were all in a funny mood. 'Hey, what do ya say we play a game?' Antony said naughty. 'Ah no! Not a game!' Jenny yelled, because she knew exactly what kind of games Antony likes. 'Why not? It's fun!' he replied. 'Okay... count me in!' Jenny said. 'Me too' Suzie said who was sitting very close to Duncan who seemed to enjoy it. 'Yeah, me too' Dunc said. And soon everyone joined the game. 'So..Jenny, do you have a bottle for me?' Ant asked. They decided to play "Spin the Bottle". 'Yeah, sure' Jenny replied and went to get one. Antony started the game 'cos he wanted to play the game. He spinned the bottle and the bottle pointed at...Kerry! Everyone laughed. 'Come here babe' Ant said and gave Kerry a full snog. 'You go there Bro!' Lee yelled and everybody started laughing again. After Antony and Kerry broke apart it was Lee's turn to spin the bottle. 'Okay...let's see who's the lucky one..' he said with a naughty voice. The bottle began to spin slower and ended pointing at Jenny! Jenny blushed as Lee came towards her. 'Well, guess you're the lucky one!' he said and smiled at her. Jenny smiled too. Then, Lee kissed her. He was a perfect kisser, everything was good about it! He pulled away and saw the look on Jenny's face. 'Thanks' she mumbled. Lee just smiled. They played the game for a few hours and Jenny and Lee had to kiss three times but they didn't seemed to mind at all...

Chapter 3:

It was round 1 o'clock when everybody started to feel tired. 'Listen guys, I'm heading to bed' Suzie said and walked out of the room. 'Yeah me too' Jenny said. The girls decided that the boys could stay at their place so they didn't have to go back to the hotel. Antony and Kerry were already asleep in Kerry's room and Simon and Duncan headed towards their room. So it was only Lee and Jenny left. Jenny started to bring things to the kitchen and Lee helped her. 'Erm..Jenny? I want to ask you something' Lee said. 'Sure, what is it?' Jenny replied and stood in front of him. 'Well..about the game tonight-did you enjoy it as much as I did?' he asked and grabbed Jenny's hand. Jenny didn't know what she had to say. She thought the kisses were great but she didn't have the courage to say it. 'Lee..'she started and decided to just say it. 'Yes?' Lee said and came closer to Jenny. 'I loved it. You're a great kisser you know' she said and looked at him. She saw the love in his eyes. 'You too..so you wouldn't mind if I did it again?' he said and started to pull Jenny closer. 'Of course not' Jenny said and smiled. Lee smiled and kissed her again. The kiss was soft yet passionate. They stood there kissing for a while when they heard people clapping. They looked up and saw the other ones standing there and laughing. 'Finally! You guys are really meant to be!' Ant said and the others agreed. Lee just looked at Jenny and knew that he would never let go of her. He kissed her again and again..


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