How you can find the love of your life at a wedding

'Jessica! Are you ready?' Jessica's mum shouted. 'Just a moment!' Jessica replied and took a last look in the mirror. They were about to leave to her cousin's wedding. Jessica looked in the mirror with a pleased look. She looked great. She wore some darkblue jeans and a nice top. 'Jessica!' her mum yelled. 'Coming!' Jessica ran downstairs and saw her mum, dad and sister standing in the hall. 'Finally' her dad said and opened the frontdoor. They got in the car and drove to the castle were the party would be.

After she congratulated her cousin, she went to the bar to drink something. 'Hey sis, what's wrong?' Jessica asked her sister, Lisa. 'You look a bit sad'. 'It's nothing...well, no that's not true' Lisa said and looked at Jessica. 'Josh just texted me, he ended our relationship' she said and almost started crying. 'Ah Lisa-I'm sorry, I know how much you love him' Jessica said and put her arm around Lisa. 'Yeah, but it's better this way' she replied and tried to smile. 'Come on, this will cheer you up�let's dance' Jessica said and smiled at Lisa. 'Okay' Lisa replied and went to the dancefloor. The two of them had a lot of fun and Lisa totally forgot about Josh.

'Well...I could use a drink' Jessica said and Lisa agreed. They walked towards the bar and asked for a Smirnoff Ice. 'Ah..that's just what I needed' Lisa smiled and sat down next to her sister. They talked and laughed. After a couple of minutes Lisa went to the ladiesroom. As she turned round she bumped into a Greek looking guy. 'I'm so sorry!' he said and looked at Lisa. 'You okay?' he asked. 'Yeah, sure' Lisa replied and couldn't keep her eyes of him. 'Can I give you a drink to make it up to you?' he asked at smiled at her. 'Sure' Lisa smiled and said: 'I'm Lisa' 'I'm Antony, but please call me Ant'. 'Okay Jes?' she asked. Ant tapped Jessica on her shoulder. Jessica turned around and saw Lisa standing there with a Greek looking guy. 'Yes?' she asked. 'I want you to meet Antony' Lisa smiled. 'Hi, I'm Antony' Ant said and shaked Jessica's hand. 'Hello, I'm Jessica, Lisa's sister. Nice to meet you' she replied. Jessica, Lisa and Ant started talking and had a lot of fun. Antony turned out to be the brother of the bride. After a few drinks and a lot of talking Antony wanted to introduce the girls to a friend of his. They walked towards the table where a blonde, very goodlooking guy sat. 'Lee? I want you to introduce you to Jessica and Lisa' Ant said. Jessica said nothing, she could only stare at Lee. He looked great in his jeans and white shirt. Lee stared back to her and thougth to himselve: My God, what a beautiful girl!. 'Lee?' Ant said and giggled. 'Erm-sorry. Hi, I'm Lee' he said and shaked Jessica's and Lisa's hand. 'I'm Lisa and this is my sister Jessica' Lisa said and smiled. 'Nice to meet you Lee' Jessica said and smiled at him. He smiled back to her, it was the cutest smile she had ever seen. 'Lisa? Wanna dance?' Ant said. 'Sure' Lisa replied and walked to the dancefloor leaving Jessica and Lee behind.

'So...I guess it's just you and me then' Lee said and looked at Jessica. 'Yeah' she said. 'Want a drink?' Lee asked. 'Yes please' Jessica said and followed Lee to the bar. They both took a Smirnoff Ice. They started talking and found out they had a lot in common. 'So, what brings you here?' Lee asked. 'Well, the groom is my cousin, so..' she said. 'What brings you here?' 'Well, Ant asked me to come with him. First I didn't want to come but now I'm glad I did�' Lee said and looked Jessica in the eyes with his beautiful green eyes. Jessica just drowned in his eyes. 'Erm...what do you mean; I'm glad I did?' Jessica asked. 'Well, I met you' he said and came closer to Jessica. 'You're cute you know' he said and smiled a cute smile. Jessica blushed. Then, Lee bend over and his lips came closer to Jessica's lips. He gave her a soft and quick kiss. '!' Jessica said 'I wish you did that earlier'. Lee sniggered and said: 'Do you want me to do it again?' Jessica just smiled and Lee! kissed her again. This time the kiss was passionate. It was a kiss you only get from someone you really love. Lee pulled away and said: ' you want to be my girl?'. Jessica couldn't believe what she just heard. 'Yes, I'd love to!' she said and kissed Lee.

Lee and Jessica were still kissing as Antony and Lisa came back. 'Wow! Told you so!' Ant said and winked at Lisa. She laughed and walked towards her sister and Lee. 'So-you two get along good I see' she said and smiled. 'Yeah' Jessica said. Lee just smiled. 'Ant, I want you to meet my new girlfriend' he said and pulled Jessica closer. 'Well, I must confess something too.Lee, meet my girlfriend' he said and pulled Lisa closer. He laughed and Lee, Lisa and Jessica laughed too. The four of them had the time of their life and found their love of their life too...


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