Kindergarten Love

Chapter I: 

Faye was waiting for her little niece to come out of school. �Aunt Faye!� she heard a voice yelling. Faye smiled; Lily, her niece, came running towards her with her backpack in her little hands. �Hi sweetie� Faye said. After that she raised her and gave her a hug and a kiss. �Can Ashley come with us please? I wanna show her my new Barbie� Lily said when Faye put her down. �Sure she can. Go and get her� Faye smiled when Lily ran off. She came back with Ashley; she was her best friend since she first went to kindergarten. �Come on girls. Let�s go home� Faye said and started the car. She enjoyed the ride and listened to the excited voices of the two girls. �We�re home� Faye said and opened the car so the girls could get out. Lily and Ashley ran to the door and were waiting impatiently for Faye to come who was taking her bags out of the car because she did some shopping. �Aunt Faye hurry! I wanna show Ashley my new Barbie right now!� Lily yelled. Faye laughed and walked to the door. She opened the door and the girls ran in. �I�m in the kitchen if you need me. Okay?� Faye yelled after the girls. Lily and Ashley ran to Faye�s bedroom where Lily�s stuff was. Lily was staying with Faye for 2 nights because Faye�s sister had to go away for her work. Faye sighed and went to the kitchen to put the stuff she had bought away. After she did that she cleaned up a bit and looked at her watch. It was 5pm so she decided to make something to eat. �Girls? How about pizza?� she asked. �Yeah pizza!� the girls yelled excited and jumped up and down. Faye laughed. She put a pizza in the oven and while the pizza was getting ready she played a game with the girls. 

While they were playing the doorbell rang. �I�ll get that� Faye said and got up. She opened the door and in front of her stood the most gorgeous man she ever saw. He was tall, had blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. �Hi. I�m Lee and my mum told me to pick up Ashley here� he said and smiled. �Erm..hi. I�m Faye. Come in� she said. �Great� Lee said and stepped into the house. �Lee!� Faye heard Ashley yelling. She walked into the living room and saw Ashley running to Lee. �Hey sweetie!� Lee said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. �Aunt Faye was just making pizza. Do you wanna eat with us?� Lily said and before Faye could say anything Ashley and Lily were jumping up and down. �If Aunt Faye doesn�t mind� Lee said and smiled at her. Faye felt she began to blush. �No, not at all� she said and smiled back at him. �Okay then� Lee said. Faye went back to the kitchen. �Lee, wanna see my new Barbie?� she heard Lily say. �Yeah� Lee replied. Faye smiled. There was something about Lee she liked but she didn�t know what. �Pizza's ready!� Faye said and put the pizza down on the table. She looked into the living room and saw Lily, Ashley and Lee sitting on the floor. They were surrounded by Barbies. Lee looked a bit helpless. Faye couldn�t help but laugh. �Great pizza!� Lily yelled and soon the girls were eating and laughing. Lee looked at Faye and smiled. 

During dinner Lily and Ashley were talking and laughing, Faye and Lee just listened and laughed. After dinner the girls watched some TV and Faye did the dishes. Lee helped her. �So, is Lily your sister?� Lee asked. �No, she�s my niece. My sister had to go away for her job for 2 days so Lily is staying with me� Faye explained him. �What about you and Ashley?� �Ashley is my little cousin. Her parents died in a car-crash and my mum decided to raise her. She�s been living with us since she was a baby and she sees me like her brother. I love her from my soul, like she�s a real sister� Lee said. �Enough about them. Tell me more about yourself� and with that he smiled at her. �Okay, I�ll tell you anything you want to know after we finished the dishes okay?� �Okay, because I�d like to know you better� Lee winked at Faye while he said that. Faye blushed again. After they finished the dished they went into the living room and watched some TV with the girls. �Lily? It�s 8 o�clock and you know what that means� Faye said and turned the TV off. �Please Aunt Faye let me stay up for another 10 minutes!� Lily begged her. �No� �Faye, I think I�d better go home. Ashley has to go to bed too� Lee saved her. Faye smiled. �Okay. Lily, go get changed and I�ll be with you in a few minutes� Faye said to Lily. Lily got up and went to the bedroom. �Come on Ash. Mum is waiting for you� Lee said and put her coat on. Then he gave her his car keys and said: �Wait in the car for me okay?� Ashley ran off. �Listen Faye. I was wondering� Lee began to speak. �Yes?� �Would you like to go out with me sometime?� he asked with a shy voice and looked at her with his beautiful green eyes. �I�d love to!� Faye smiled. �Okay, how about tomorrow? It�s Friday, so..� �Sure� �Great, I�ll pick you up at 7. Okay?� �Yeah� �See you tomorrow then. Bye Faye� Lee said, leaned in and kissed her cheek softly. Faye smiled. Lee got in the car and drove off. 

Chapter II:

�Thanks for taking care of Lily for the past 2 days� Heather said. Heather was Faye�s sister and had come to pick up Lily. �That�s okay. We had fun, didn�t we?� Faye replied and looked down at Lily. �Yeah�and Aunt Faye has a date tonight with Ashley�s brother!� Lily said and smiled naughtily. Heather laughed. �Good luck then. I�ll call you. Come on Lily. Pluto is waiting for you� Heather replied. Pluto was their dog. Lily adored him. �Bye� Faye said and waved at the car and then she closed the door. It was 5pm and Faye decided to take a shower and get ready for her date with Lee. After she took the shower she opened her wardrobe to see what she could wear. She choose a black pair of trousers with a white top. She got dressed and looked at her reflection with a satisfied look on her face. She did her hair and make-up and was just ready when the doorbell rang. �Hi Faye� Lee said and kissed her cheek. Faye blushed. �Hi� she replied. �Are you ready?� Lee asked. Faye nodded and grabbed her coat. 

Because it had been such a beautiful and sunny day they decided to walk to town. During the walk Lee held of Faye�s hand and didn�t let go. �So, tell me. Where are we going?� Faye asked. �Well, I wanted to take you to the movies� Lee replied. �Great� After a 10 minute walk they arrived at the cinema. They bought tickets and sat down. Somewhere in the middle of the film Lee put his arm around Faye. She loved it. She really liked Lee. �That was a great movie� Faye said after the movie ended and they walked through a park. �Yeah� Just as Lee said that it began to rain. �Oh no! Come on. Let�s hide under this tree!� Lee yelled and pulled Faye with him. Because the tree wasn�t that big Faye stood very close to Lee. She could feel his heart pounding of the running, she could smell his aftershave. Faye looked at him and smiled. �Lee, my back is getting wet� she giggled. Lee giggled too. He pulled her closer. �Sorry, better this way?� he asked and smiled. Faye just smiled back. His arms were around Faye�s waist. Lee looked at her. Faye just drowned in his eyes; they were so deep. �Faye? I wanna do something and I wanted it to do ever since I saw you. Please say stop if you don�t want me to� Lee said. �What is it?� Faye asked. Lee didn�t give her an answer. He came closer and closer. Then he kissed her. Although it was just a brief kiss on the lips Faye felt the love in it. Lee pulled back and smiled. �I wish you did that before� Faye said smiling. �You like it then?� Lee asked with a cheeky smile. Faye just nodded. Lee kissed her again. This time the kiss was full of passion. 

�Faye?! Sweetie, where are you?� Lee yelled. He closed the door behind him. Faye came out of the bedroom. �I�m here� she said. �Hi babe� Lee kissed her. �So tell me. Are you in?� Faye asked. Lee went to a audition for a band. He smiled. �Yes! We�re going to sign the record deal next week!� �Wow! That�s great!� Faye yelled. Lee laughed and kissed her again. Lee and the rest of the boys signed the record deal and soon their first single came out. The song became a big success and Blue became very famous. Blue was on tour now and Faye missed Lee very much. They had been going out for 2 years now and bought their own apartment. 

Faye was still in bed when her phone went. �Hello?� she said with a sleepy voice. �Hi babe. This is your personal wake-up call!� Lee said. Faye laughed. �Hi sweetie. Why are you calling at this time of the day?� she replied. �Well, I have a surprise for you. I�m coming home for two months!� he yelled. �My God, that�s great!� Faye was fully awake now. Lee laughed. They talked for a few minutes then Faye hung up and got a shower. After that she got dressed and did some shopping. She just got back when she heard a knock on the door. She went to open it. �Lee!!� she cried and gave him a big hug. �Faye! I missed you so much!� Lee said and kissed her passionately. �Me too. Come in� she replied and let Lee in. They sat down on the couch. Lee put his arms around Faye and looked her deep in the eyes. �I love you so much� he said. �I love you too Lee� she replied. They kissed again and again�. 

Chapter III: 

�This can�t be happening!� Faye thought as she looked at the paper she was holding in her hands. Lee had been away for a month now. Faye had been sick for a few days and yesterday she bought a pregnancy test. She just took it and she was pregnant. Faye started crying of happiness. Faye decided to call her best friend Suzie to tell her the news. �Hello?� Suzie said. �Hey Suzie. It�s me Faye. Listen, can you come over to me please? I have to tell you something� Faye said excited. �Yeah sure. I�ll be with you in a few minutes. Bye� and with that she hung up. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Faye opened the door. �Hey girl. What�s up?� Suzie said and gave Faye a hug. �Well��I�m pregnant!� she yelled. Suzie looked at her in amazement. �Congratulations! Does Lee know?� she asked after she hugged her. Faye shook her head. �No not yet. I only found out a few minutes ago. I�ll tell him when he calls� Faye replied. Suzie nodded. The girls went to the living room and talked.

After a few hours Suzie went home and Faye went to bed. Faye had been waiting for Lee to call but she hadn�t heard from him for a few days now. She started to get worried. But then she heard the frontdoor opening. �Lee!� she yelled as she saw Lee standing in the door with a big smile on his face. �What are you doing here?� she asked after she kissed him. �Well, I missed you so much and I decided to come home� he simply smiled. �So, tell me. What have you been up to?� he asked after they sat down on the couch. Faye decided that the time had come to tell him. �Lee, I have to tell you something� she started. Lee looked at her with a worried face. �What happened?� he asked. �Lee�I�m pregnant!� Faye said. �Wow! I�m gonna be a Dad!� he smiled. Faye smiled too. �So you�re happy?� she asked worried. �Of course I am! I'd love to have kids especially when you�re the mother� and with that Lee kissed her. 

�Whaaaaa�.whaaaaa� the baby cried. Faye just gave birth to a healthy little boy. Lee sat next to her and kissed her. �You did great honey. I love you so much!� he said. �I love you too Lee� the nurse just cleaned the baby and gave put him carefully in Faye�s arms. They both smiled. �He looks like you� Lee said and touched the baby�s cheek carefully. Faye smiled. �What shall we call him?� she asked but she knew the answer. Lee and Faye already picked a name. �He should be called Josh� Lee said and kissed his son on his forehead. �Yes, Josh Ryan� she replied. Lee and Faye spend the rest of the day alone in the room just enjoying their new son. 

2 years later: 

�Daddy!� Josh yelled and jumped on the bed. Lee opened his eyes and saw Josh jumping on the bed. �Josh, please stop. You�ll wake mummy� he said and turned on the light. But Faye was gone. �Mummy is already awake. She�s in the kitchen� Josh said and stopped jumping up and down. He lay down next to Lee. Lee smiled and put the covers over him. �You silly one� he said and started to tickle Josh. Josh laughed and made Lee laugh too. Faye walked in the room and started laughing too. �Good morning boys. Here�s your breakfast� she joked and kissed Lee. �I want a kiss too� Josh said cheekily. Lee and Faye laughed. Faye gave him a kiss too. They had breakfast and after that Josh went away to watch some TV. �Faye. I�d like to ask you something� Lee said serious and looked at Faye. �Yes Lee, what is it?� she asked. �I love you very much. I�m crazy about you and Josh. I love you from my soul and I don�t ever wanna lose you. I never want to spend a moment apart. Faye, will you marry me?� Lee spoke and pulled out a box. �Of course I will� Faye cried and Lee kissed her.


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