101 Blue Secrets

'You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night. You make me wanna hold you till the morning light. You make me wanna love. You make me wanna fall. You make me wanna surrender my soul.' I sang. 'Mairi, are you ready yet?' Debbie shouted from downstairs. Debbie and I have been best friends since we were thirteen and flat-mates since we were eighteen. We did everything together. We shopped together, we partied together and we listened to each other. 'Almost! I just need to put my shoes on! I'll be two minutes!' I shouted back. 'Okay! I just want to tell you that Megan and Caroline are here now!' 'Okay hun!' Megan and Caroline are also two of my best friends, but none of them can compete with Debbie. She's more like a sister to me. I walked downstairs and into the living room. 'Looking good Mairi.' Megan said to me. I was fashioning a red and white tartan plaid skirt, a white halter-top, dark brown knee high boots and a red leather jacket. 'So, are we ready to show Blue what we're made of?' Caroline said. 'Caz, we may have front row tickets but there is no way we are going to get noticed.' I said to her negatively. 'You know, I actually think we might get noticed.' Megan said. 'How come?' Debbie questioned. 'I know someone who went to last nights show and they said that Blue picked someone from the audience and they dedicated a song to them.' Megan replied. 'Cool.' Debbie said excitedly. 'Oh come on Megan. There's going to be at least ten thousand people at this concert.' I replied. I can't believe how negative I was being. I was hardly ever like this. 'Not all ten thousand people are in front row.' Megan said acting all smart. 'Good point. Shall we go?' I asked. 'We shall.' Debbie said winging her arm around mines. We walked out of the apartment and into Megan's car and drove away.


'Right, who wants us to sing to them?' Duncan yelled into his microphone. The whole concert hall erupted with screaming girls shouting, 'Me, pick me!' There were even a few guys screaming too. 'How about that girl there?' Antony asked pointing to a girl who was at least six seat away from me. She screamed. 'No, no, no. It's got to be the girl holding the "Dunc" banner!' Duncan said sexily as he waved to her. 'I think considering it's our last show here in Glasgow, that Lee should pick because we have already picked the past three nights!' Simon said wrapping his arm around Lee's shoulder. 'Isn't he nice ladies?' Lee said. The whole place erupted again with screaming girls. Lee skimmed the whole front row and then something happened that I was not expecing and neither were my friends. Lee made eye contact with me and pointed at me to come up on stage, 'You there!' he said. I looked behind me to see whom he was talking to. 'No, don't turn around. I'm talking to you with the tartan skirt on.' I turned around in shock. 'I think he fancies you Mairi.' Debbie said smiling. 'Oh shut up.' I said still shocked. 'Come up!' he said, 'Don't be shy!' The steward took my hand and led me to the side of the stage. I looked back at my friends and they were cheering me on. 'Go Mairi!' Debbie screamed. The steward helped me up onto the stage amd I walked over to Lee nervously. 'Good choice.' I heard Duncan tell Lee as he walked past him. Lee took my hand. I must have been the envy to a lot of girls. I waved to my friends and they waved back. 'Now, what's your name?' Lee asked putting the microphone to my face. 'Mairi.' I replied. 'Okay. Well in case you didn't know I'm Lee and this is Duncan, Simon and Antony.' Lee said jokingly. 'I did know.' I said with a laugh. Lee laughed as well, 'Could you sit down here, oh thank you Andy.' he said to a steward as he brought on a chair, 'Everyone give a hand for Andy!' Lee shouted. The concert hall had filled with screams again, but what do you expect? I was at a Blue concert. Andy waved as he walked off stage. I sat down. The band started to play the music. I couldn't believe it. It was my favourite Blue song ever:

Duncan: 'From the moment I met you, I just knew you'd be mine. You touched my hand and I knew that this was gonna be our time.' Lee: 'I don't ever wanna lose this feeling. I don't wanna spend a moment apart.' Duncan, Antony, Simon: 'Oooohhhh.' Lee: 'Cause you bring out the best in me. Like no one else can do.' All: 'That's why I'm by your side. That's why I love you.'

I waved to my friends and they were giving me the thumbs up and waving back.

Duncan: 'Everyday that I'm here with you, I know that it feels right.' Antony, Simon: 'So right, so right.' Lee: 'Mmhmm.' Duncan: 'And I've just got to be near you, everyday and every night.' Antony, Simon: 'Every night.'

Lee walked over to me.

Lee: 'And you know that we belong together. It just had to be you and me. Oh yeah.' All: 'Cause you bring out the best in me. Like no one else can do. That's why I'm by your side. That's why I love you.' Lee: 'Oh.'

I couldn't believe it. Was i dreaming? I didn't think so because it hurt when I pinched my arm.

All: 'Oh, ah, oh, ah, oh, ah, oooohhhh aaaahhhh.' Lee: 'Cause you bring out the best in me. Like no one else can do. That's why I'm by your side.' All: 'Cause you bring out the best in me. Like no one else can do. That's why I'm by your side.' Duncan, Antony, Simon: 'By your side.' All: 'That's why I love you.' Antony: 'Love you.' Simon: 'Love you.' Duncan: 'Love you.' Lee: 'Baby.' Lee, Simon: 'Cause you bring out the best in me.' Duncan, Antony: 'You bring out the best in me.' Lee: 'Like no one else can do. That's why I'm by your side. That's why I love you.'

Lee took my hand and pulled me up. He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear and then kissed me on the cheek. I walked off stage waving to my friends screaming. Blue started laughing. 'What did he say to you?' Debbie asked me having to raise her voice slightly because the band had started to play "U Make Me Wanna." 'He told us to wait at the end of the show! He'll get a steward to come and get us!' I yelled back. 'Why?' Megan asked. 'Because we're going to party with them!' I yelled to them. They screamed. 'Oh my God!' Caroline screamed.


The hall was starting to fill out and a steward came over to us. 'Are you Mairi?' the steward asked. 'Yes.' I said excitedly. 'Come with me. Your friends too.' We stood up and Debbie grabbed my hand screaming. 'Debbie, you're crushing my hand.' I said painfully. 'Oh sorry.' she said and loosened her grip.


Lee and I were in a very good conversation which just seemed to keep changing. We never once mentioned anything to do with Blue. He was easy to talk to and we loved the same things. 'Here, who wants to go to a karaoke bar?' Antony asked. 'Cool.' Megan said. 'I'm up for it if you are?' Debbie said. 'Let's go!' Lee shouted and he stood up. Duncan opened the stage door exit and stepped out. The rest of us were behind him. He was surprised to see alot of screaming fans outside, 'Oh Jesus!' and he ran back inside. 'What's wrong?' Lee asked. 'Change of plan.' Duncan said holding on to his chest. 'Let's go out the way WE came in.' I said. 'And where is that?' Lee asked amazed. 'The stage entrance.' They all looked at me. 'Well at least it's not the stage exit.' I said looking at them. 'Good point.' Lee said. And we all ran to the stage entrance door. A gorgeous, long, white limousine was waiting there for us. 'Wow.' I said gob smacked as I got into the limo. 'Joe. To Shanghai Shuffle please.' Lee said. 'Yes sir.' Joe said as he raised the black screen to seperate him from the back. 'How do you know about that bar?' I asked Lee confused and smiling. 'We went there yesterday after the show. How do you know about that bar?' Lee asked. 'Well I work there. I work behind the bar.' I said. 'How come we didn't see you there last night?' Antony asked. I have a week off because i've been working my arse off. I said nodding my head. Debbie nodded her head as well, 'Yep, she's been working really hard. She deserves a break.' she said smiling at me. I smiled back.


Duncan had just finished singing "Summer of 69" ny Bryan Adams and then it was my turn. 'What are you singing?' Lee asked. 'You'll see.' I said and then I walked up to the stage and took the microphone. The music started.

Mairi: 'I hope you never lose your sense of wonder. You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger. May you never take one single breath for granted. God forbid love ever leave you empty handed. I hope you still feel small, when you stand beside the ocean. Whenever one door closes, I hope one door opens. Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance............ I hope you dance............
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking. Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth making. Don't let some hell bent heart, leave you bitter. When you come close to selling out, reconsider. Give the heavens above, more than just a passing glance. And when you get the choice to sit it out r dance. I hope you dance............'

I finished, walked off stage and the whole place clapped. I sat down. 'Mairi, why do you sing that all the time?' Megan asked. 'Cause it's my favourite.' I replied back. 'Who sings it?' Lee asked amazed at how good a singer I was. 'LeAnn Womack. You probably haven't heard of her.' I told him. 'I haven't heard of her, but it was a good song and you sang it well.' Lee said with a cute smile. 'Thanks.' I said smiling back. 'Right. Who's next?' Antony said.


By this point, most of us were drunk, except from me, Debbie and Antony. Lee was slightly drunk, but he was still fully aware of what was happening around him. Caroline had passed out on the chair next to me and Megan was puking in the bathroom. 'Right Mairi let do a duet.' Debbie said. 'But what will we sing?' I asked thinking. 'Oh I've got a good one.' she said and then she whispered into my ear. 'Okay.' We stood up and wandered over to the guy in charge of the karaoke. 'Can I help you ladies?' the man asked. 'Yes, when can we go up and sing?' Debbie asked. 'Now, if you want?' he said. 'Cool.' I said and I told the guy what we were going to sing. We walked onto the stage and picked up our microphones. The music started and Lee, Duncan, Simon and Antony started laughing.

Debbie: 'It's kinda funny, how life can change. Can flip 180, in a matter of days. Sometimes love works in, mysterious ways. One day you wake up, gone without a trace.' Mairi: 'I refuse to give up, I refuse to give in. You' re my everything. I don't wanna give up, I don't wanna give in. So everybody sing.' Mairi, Debbie: 'One love, for the mother's pride. One love, for the times we cried. One love, gotta stay alive, I will survive. One love, for the city streets. One love, for the hip hop beats. One love, oh I do believe. One love is all we need.'


When we had finished, we all decided it was time to go home. We made our way to the limo. Duncan was carrying Caroline. She was still passed out and she didn't know that she was hugging Duncan in her sleep. Lee was holding my hand and staggering. 'I think you've had a little too much.' I said trying to hold him up. 'No, I just have a weak leg.' he said laughing and straightening himself up. 'Okay, less of the sarcasm.' I said laughing. 'Oh shit.' Debbie said. 'What?' Duncan asked. 'Megan's car is still at the concert hall and she's drunk.' 'No problem. Joe will take you home and you can pick up the car tomorrow.' Lee said. 'OK.' Debbie said. We got into the limo and drove away. When we got to mine and Debbie's house, I was about get out when Lee slipped something into my hand. I looked at him confused, but he just held his finger to his lips gesturing for me not to say anything. The rest were all sleeping in the limo. 'What did he give you?' Debbie asked as we walked through the front door. 'I don't know.' I said walking into the living room looking at it. 'Well look.' Debbie said staring at it. I opened at the piece of paper and stared at it gob smacked. 'What? What is it?' Debbie asked desperately. 'It... it's...' I stuttered. 'Well?' Debbie asked. 'It's his number.' 'Oh my God!' Debbie shouted. 'I know!' I yelled back in my best Monica (FRIENDS) impression. 'Well text him.' Debbie said anxiously. 'And say what? "Hi Lee, I well fancy you so how about it?"' 'Well not exactly that.' Debbie said laughing. 'I'll just call him tomorrow. I have a headache and I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Night.' I said as I walked upstairs to my room. I was that tired that I left on my clothes that I wore that day.

The next day I woke with the sound of my mobile phone ringing. 'Hello?' I answered drowsily. 'Hi Mairi? It's Lee.' I looked at my watch. It was one o'clock in the afternoon. 'Hi, how did you get this number?' I questioned. 'Oh, I'm not supposed to tell you but Debbie called me five minutes ago and told me that you were too scared to call me. So she gave me your number and I called you instead.' 'I'm gonna kill her!' I screamed. 'Hey, hey, my ear!' he shouted at me laughing. 'Oh sorry.' I apologized. 'It's okay. Look I'm actually glad Debbie called.' 'Oh yeah. Why?' I asked. 'Well if she hadn't have called I wouldn't be talking to you right now, and if she hadn't have called, you would never have called.' Lee said. 'I'm sorry Lee. I just got a bit nervous. I mean it's YOU.' I said a little embarrassed. 'Well if you're nervous then I'm nervous.' I laughed. 'So do you want to go out with me to dinner tonight?' Lee asked. I said nothing. I just lay there on my bed with my mouth open. 'Mairi? Are you there?' he asked. I snapped back to reality. 'Oh..yeah. I'd love to go out with you tonight.' I said excitedly. 'Great. I can come and get you at your place at seven.' Lee said happily. 'That's fine. See ya then.' I said with a smile on my face. 'Okay, bye.' he said. 'Bye.' I said and hung up.

It was quarter to seven and I was feeling even more nervous than I did during the phone call six hours ago. I decided to wear my new, long, white dress which had a crisscross on the back and a pair of white sandals. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. 'Wow... you look amazing.' Lee said eyeing me up and down. He was wearing a black suit and was holding a bunch of white lilies. 'Are those for me?' I asked. He looked back up at me, 'Yeah. I hope you like them.' he said as he gave them to me. 'I love them. They're my favourite.' 'Really? I just picked them because they reminded me of you.' he said with that same cute smile he always had. 'Come in. How did they remind you of me?' I asked confused. 'I thought they were gorgeous.' Lee said as he walked in. I blushed, 'Thank you. I'll just put these in water and then we can go.' I said and walked into the kitchen. 'You have a nice place here!' he shouted as he looked at a picture of me and Debbie together. 'Thanks!' I shouted back and walked out of the kitchen, 'Are you ready?' He turned around, 'Yep.' I took his arm and we walked out of the house. I was surprised to see a long, white limousine sitting there. 'Lee. You didn't have to do this.' I said looking at him. Joe got out of the limo and opened the door for us. 'I wanted to.' Lee said and he ushered me to get in.


'Excuse me, but can I have your autograph?' a woman asked him. 'Do you mind Mairi?' Lee asked. 'No, not at all. It's all part of your job.' I replied with a smile. 'Okay. What's your name?' Lee asked. 'Oh no, it's not for me. It's for my daughter.' the woman replied. 'Oh. What's her name?' Lee asked. 'It's Amy.' the woman said. He signed the piece of paper, "To Amy, lots of love Lee xxx" with a little happy face. 'Thank you and I would just like to say that you two make a very nice couple.' Lee smiled and looked at me. 'That's sweet, but we're not a couple. We're just friends.' I said hoping that that was the right thing to say. Lee stopped smiling and the woman walked away. 'So you just want to be friends?' Lee asked. 'I don't know. What do you want?' I asked him. Lee took my hand, 'I was hoping that we could be more than just friends.' 'I don't know Lee. You're famous and it might not work out.' 'It will.' he said. 'How do you know that?' I questioned. 'Because I've never felt this way about anyone in my whole life.' I moved my hand away from his. "What are you doing Mairi? Say yes. You know you want to." I thought to myself. I wanted to, but I wasn't prepared to get my heart broken when ever the day should come when he would say that it wasn't working out.


'Do you want to go to this club? I told the guys I would meet them there later.' Lee asked. 'What club?' I asked. 'Privilege.' Lee said. 'Oh cool, my friends are going there too.' I said excitedly. 'Okay let's go.' We walked out to the limo and drove away.


Megan and Antony had gone to the bar to get drinks. Lee was dancing with Debbie, Caroline, Simon and Duncan. "God he is so gorgeous. Why did you have to go and say that to that woman? You would have made such a nice couple." I thought to myself. I thought about what Lee said at the restaurant and I knew what I wanted. I was going to tell Lee I wanted him. I walked over to him, 'Lee, I think we should talk.' 'Okay.' he said as he sat down, 'What's up?' he asked. 'I... I...' I stuttered. 'Yeah.' 'I thought about what you said in the restaurant.' 'And?' Lee asked. 'I think we should give it a try. I'm not just saying this because you're famous or anything, it's just that I got scared.' I said fairly fast. Lee was shocked. 'I'm too late aren't I? I think I should just leave.' I said as I stood up. Lee grabbed my hand, stood up and kissed me. At first it was really gentle, but then it grew into this long and passionate kiss.


'Hi, if you're calling for Lee then I'm sorry because he's in London right now, but if you're calling for me. Mairi that is, and I'm not home please leave a message after the...' *BEEP* 'Hey babe. I can see that' you're not in right now. You really need to change that answering message.' Lee said and laughed. 'Anyways, I just wanted to call and tell you that I'll be home early. My flight is in twenty minutes so I'll be back at around two-ish. Oh and I have something for you. Love ya babe, bye.' Just as Lee hung up, I walked in with a grocery bag and a big smile on my face. My dog barked and ran over to me. 'Hi Marzipan, I have great news, but I'm telling Lee before I tell anyone else, so sorry.' I said as I stroked his head. Marzipan was a cute and loveable golden retriever puppy who Lee had bought for me for my birhtday last month. I saw the red light flashing on the phone. I put the grocery bag down and pressed the button to listen to my messages.


Lee opened the front door and stepped into the house, 'Babe, I'm home!' Lee called. I came running down the stairs and jumped into his arms causing him to drop his bags. 'I missed you too.' Lee said and he kissed me passionately. 'Come on. I've made you dinner.' I took his hand and led him into the kitchen which was full of candles. 'What's this all about?' Lee asked looking about. 'I have great news.' I said. 'What is it?' he said pulling me closer to him. There was a long pause and we looked into each others eyes. 'What is it Mairi?' Lee asked. 'I'm pregnant.' 'Are you serious?' he asked. 'Yep. I just got back from the hospital this morning.' I replied. 'We're having a baby?' 'That's what I said.' I said laughing. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I pulled away, 'Didn't you say you had something for me?' I asked impatiently. 'I have two things actually.' 'Oh.' He looked in his bag and pulled out a CD and gave it to me. 'Oh Lee, you remembered.' I cheered. 'I could not forget my girls favourite song.' It was the song I sang in the karaoke bar three years ago. I kissed him again, 'I love you, so much.' I said as a tear fell down my cheek. 'Oh baby, I love you too.' he replied wiping the tear away from my cheek. 'Didn't you say you had something else for me?' I asked excitedly. 'Yes.' He led me over to the sofa and sat me down. He stood in front of me for a second and then he got down on one knee. 'Mairi, I love you so much and being with you makes me feel happy and excited, well for obvious reasons. Sometimes it nakes me feel scared, sometimes lost because I can just get lost in who you are and how happy you make me feel, yet at the same time I feel found. I feel found because i have what I need more than anything else in the world, the only person that could ever complete me.' I started to cry. 'Loving you makes me feel safe. I never knew how safe I could feel from loving someone in every way possible and knowing at the same time that you love me back. And being with you makes me feel stronger than having to face everything alone. I'm saying all this because it's the way i feel. If I can't share with you how I feel, then what's the point? We've already shared so much together. I want to share the rest of my life with you. I want to share everything with you.' Lee pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket and opened it. 'Oh my God.' I whispered. 'Mairi, will you marry me?' Lee said shaking. 'Lee, you don't even have to ask. Can you actually see me saying "no" to a speech like that? Of course I will marry you.' I replied with tears in my eyes. He put the ring on my finger and we kissed like there was no tomorrow. I was so happy that I danced three years ago.



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