
Bluehooks Diary

I started doing this diary in June, it's quite new. If you haven't been following have a look at the Cast of Characters which gives a quick low down on the essential day to day characters who are mentioned will make more sense if you do.

Thursday 18th June

What a manic day. Woken up way too early........Lorna's car wouldnt start so they needed to borrow mine. Pah.

So I got up and had my coffe and fags...that's my breakfast and waited for the car to get back...and waited...and waited. It did come back in the end, so I went off into town, did the shopping and the laudry...two huge heavy bags of Laundry to schlep.... I hated the laundry and I hated my limited carrying capacity. I was annoyed. Came back and went into the barn to timber treat a new gate which Clare has made, you should see's a work of art. We need a gate to let the horses out of the field a different way because where the main gate is they have to traverse the bog and they hate it. So I did that, then went with Irene up to the house where I used to live, (we only moved in here about a month ago) becuase I still had a pile of crap there to pick up and the landlady is coming tommorow to take possession of the house.....but that's another whole story. Loaded up the trailer with various items of stuff including all the weight training equipment and the came back and unloaded it. Went up to the field to make start on the hole for the gatepost to go's got to be nearly 3ft deep and I'm wondering how I'm gonna do this, what with one arm only being....well as long as a normal short persons arm and the other rather shorter. Never got that far, first had the problem of the existing fence...pulling out staples, snipping wires etc etc...and all this time it's raining, not hard, but steadily. Well I got the hole dug to about a foot deep (well, if that) using my hand and a stupid little trowel, and then the rain got really heavy so I thought well....sod this for a game of soldiers and went indoors.

Clare and Looey turned up shortly after that and we watched the footage we had shot last weekend. Clare's making a film in an abandoned mine near here, I'm playing a butler and Looey, Lorna and Irene are mountain spirits. Well there was quite a lot to watch and by then we were all getting hungry so it was time to get into the kitchen. And that wasnt the end, Clare had a digital tape recorder and I recorded the narrative for the film and then we started to record the sound track, based on the stillness rhythm from Gabrielle Roth's 5 Rhythms Wave. I'm not a musician, I just get roped into these things cos I've got a nice rainstick and I can bang a cowbell...or a saucepan or whatever, if needed. When the started chakra chanting to 'loosen up' I decided that was enough was enough, remembered that I had to get up way early the next day for a hospital appointment - the 3rd one this week, (often I'm in bed till 11.00am)...the alarm was going off at 5.45am and I had to have a bath. So I left them to it. I was still awake when they finished, heard the vehicles leaving, nearly 1.00am by then.....I hate early mornings....hate, hate, hate.

Tomorrow's entry
June '98

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