
Bluehooks Diary

I started doing this diary in June, it's quite new. If you haven't been following have a look at the Cast of Characters which gives a quick low down on the essential day to day characters who are mentioned will make more sense if you do.

Friday 19th June

5.45am is NOT a good time to wake up. I do'nt think it's funny and I don't care about the dawn chorus...I hear that when I'm falling asleep. Still, I did actually manage to get to the hospital in time. Then found out that the minor op I was going for was not scheduled for 8.00am, oh noooooo, that was just when, like, a whole big bunch of people, had to get there and be checked in. Then we all had to wait and be done one by one, but we were promsed that everyone would be done by midday, probably much sooner. Found out I was last on the list, to my overwhelming joy and wondered how the hell I forgot to bring a book....I know what hospitals are like. The list went very slow, there were NO decent magazines to read, in fact even just looking at them started to annoy me after a while. No smoking room, sat outside in my theatre gown and docs (forgot my slippers) and had a fag. Still only 11.00am. By midday I was tired, grumpy and very very hungry. Asked for locker keys so I could go get a sandwich and was told that I couldnt eat was tooo late. This made me even more annoyed, I wasn't even having a general anaesthetic. After another half hour I asked again for the locker keys to go have a fag and got some money to run off and buy a chocolate muffin. It wasn't even a nice one.

When I went up to theatre at 1.30pm I was very annoyed and in high sarcasm mode. They soon shut me up. I could put up with the painfull prodding and shaving of the ovending lump on my head, but when he said "shut your eyes, I don't want this to go into them" and then poured so much neat alcohol on my head that it streamed into both eyes and into my mouth, well, then I was a bit miffed. They spent the next five minutes irrigating my eyes. He explained that it was important not to rupture the cyst and then pointed out that it already had been ruptured. I was very glad to be outa there, it was like minor sugery meets feeding time at the zoo.

Back on the ward I just wanted to get the hell out of there.....but they still had that locker key, and all my clothes were in there. They mad me sit and eat a rotten salad sandwich and drink hospital coffee. Eventually someone took the venflon out of me and didn't tape it up properly so then there was blood running out of there and there was blood running off my head but at least I had my clothes on. The next funny thing was they wanted me to wait for the doctor to come back from his lunch and write me up a prescription for parecetemol. I told them I'd just buy some if it was all the same and got the hell out. Nightmare hospital trip or what? Yes, I should be used to it by now, but I just keep think, 'it'll be alright this time'...I don't know why, it seldom is.

Stopped at the farmers mart on the way back, bought more post for the electric fence, horses are getting hungry now, but they have to be fenced in becuase of the spring grass. Dropped in at the local hospital as well, as if I hadn't seen enough today, to return a piece of equipment I borrowed after the last lot of stitches in my head....thats a whole nother story though. Oh, and I collected the two heavy bags of laundry as well.

I was soooo glad to be home. I'm such a net junkie, hadnt been on all day thursday cos it was so manic, so I fended off the withdrawal symptoms by having a nice chat with the gorgeous Pino....well, ok, I ranted at Pino. We're having a big party all weekend, its a housewarming and it's to celebrate Summer Solstice, so next thing was a big party conference, you know, where you talk about stuff like how many french sticks we actually need etc. Lorna's car still hadn't started since yesterday and so the next job was to try and give her a tow start before it got dark. Amazingly the car started on the second try and now seems to be fine. Dinner followed that and now I'm just off to do a search on "sand AND dunes" for Hansi.....I din't ask why she wants me to do that, I guess it's something to do with school. Hmmmmm.......

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June '98

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