Australian Cockroach
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Surinam Cockroach
Wood Cockroach
Praying Mantids
Boxer Bark Mantid
Spiny Bark Mantid
Garden Praying Mantid
Large Brown Mantid
Purplewinged Mantid
False Garden Mantid
Burying Mantid
Stick Insects
Tessellated Phasmatid
Titan Stick Insect


Australian Wood Cockroach - Panesthia australis

Family Blaberidae

This page contains pictures and information about the Australian Wood Cockroaches that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 25mm
This cockroach has dark brown body and short spiny legs. They can be found under fallen rotten logs. They live in and feed on decaying wood that they burrow into. 
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They are easily found in Eucalyptus forest. Every time we lift up a rotten log on ground. We can always see a group of cockroach, usually from five to ten. They are slow moving. Notice their shiny exoskeleton and spiny legs. Their adults are winged but they will chew each other's other wings off and become wingless. Nymphs born alive and live in group.
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After taking a few pictures and having a good look, we always put the logs back into position to minimize our interrupt to the cockroaches.

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