4-The Sin:
Fraud in weighing and measure,cheating......
Worldly Punishment:
2-Tyranny of the ruler.

                                            *(Daleels from hadeeth,4/5)*

5-The Sin:
Not paying Alms(zakat).
Worldly Punishment:
-Causing diseases by airborn germs.
-Causing arridity and thus less groundwater which in turn causes barreness.
-Increase of sand storms and thus the areas turned into desert increase.
                                             *(Daleels from hadeeth, 4/5)*

6-The Sin:
Abbrogation of covenant(pledge)between Allah and His slave by being disobedient to Allah's orders.
Worldly Punishment:
1-Empowerment of enemies over the disobedient who violate  their honor,sieze their wealth and kill them and their own.
-Safety and security turned into fear and terror.
                                               *(Daleels from hadeeth,4/5)*
7-The Sin:
Worldly Punishment:
-Fear that Allah throws in the hearts so the persons live in fear and desolation(alienation).
                                                *(Daleels from hadeeth,4/5/6)*
8-The Sin:
Those who rule or judge against Allah's decree,
Worldly Punishment:
Allah will make their own torment and bloody murder from amongst them.
                                                  *(Daleels from hadeeth,4/5)*

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