Current Casey Temperature

Click for Casey 66 28S 110 52E, Antarctica Forecast



June 2005
design by: Christopher R Clarke
Calculations show that we recently passed the halfway point of our time away from Australia – where did those eight months go?
Highest temperature :
2.3 deg
Average max temperature :
-9.1 deg
Lowest temperature :
-25 deg
Average min temperature :
-7.2 deg
Highest Wind Gust :
159 kmh
Snow :
13 days
Blowing Snow :
10 days
Strong Winds :
17 days
Gale Force Winds :
13 days
Blizzard [Vis <100m]
4 day

After delightfully calm weather for almost the whole of May, Casey is now being made to pay for it. For 13 days during the month we suffered gales or full-on blizzards. Looking out the windows as billows of snow fly past at 100 kph, and building less than 100 m away once again disappear from view.

Although the foul weather hampered outdoor activities on most days, a number of parties managed to dodge between the blizzards to enjoy trips by quads, skidoos or Hagglund to either Robbo’s or Browning by way of the now well frozen sea-ice routes

Photo: E Merfield

Noel, Eve and I made a short trip across the bay to retrieve an ancient fuel drum containing 60 litres of rusty ATK we noticed near the shore at Whitney Point during a sea ice ski trip. It had obviously been there for many years and was starting to leak so the recovery was timely, especially as it was close to an ‘undisturbed’ penguin rookery. Its contents are now helping to heat the workshop through the Kroll heater.

Most of the wildlife has left for the open waters during the winter season, however the odd Weddel Seal can be found basking on the freshly fallen snow around the air holes they created close to tide cracks in the sea-ice

N.B. All photographs were taken using telephoto lens and photo cropping

Photos: E Merfield

Another party Jeremy, Linc and John unpreturbed by the -20 deg temperatures spent the weeked at Wilkes, manhauling the 3kms over the sea-ice


Photo: J Smith



Dr Eve managing our hydroponics garden (featured on ABC's Gardening Australia) planting the seeds for the great inter-station tomato growing competition..

Peter Cundall (Gardening Australia) was also invited to join us for Mid-Winter, sadly he was not able attend but he did send his apology

Back at Casey itself the work goes on as usual, and our customary full social life also continues unabated. The tally of our contribution to the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea was finalised at $362.85.

Photo: E Merfield

The kitchen is getting busier by the day in preparation for the midwinter feast. The menu has been sound-recorded by the delicious Isabelle Genoux from Radio National, to whet our appetites for the real thing, and acceptances and refusals of our invitations are pouring in.

Cal, Bundy and Jim

Photo: C. Clarke

Whilst we don't get any television broadcast and the internet bandwidth is limited here, we do on special occasions audio stream on the internet.

Special occasions like the Roy and HG's call of the Australian Rugby League's "State Of Origin" series




[ May ]



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