Current Casey Temperature

Click for Casey 66 28S 110 52E, Antarctica Forecast



March 2005
Photo: B Jones
Highest temperature :
Average max temperature :
Lowest temperature :
Average min temperature :
Highest Wind Gust :
Snow :
12 days
Blowing Snow :
6 days
Strong Winds :
18 days
Gale Force Winds :
8 days
Blizzard [Vis <100m]
1 days
The CASA aeroplanes that worked between the 3 stations headed back to Australia this month, with a substantial tail wind they made it back 2 hours ahead of expected schedule
Photo: M. Hampton

Automatic Weather Stations are installed at various locations on the Antarctic continent and are used to record wind speed and direction, air pressure and temperature, the data from is used both locally and back in Australia for weather forecasting.

From time to time due to the accumulation of snow they need to be dug-out, repositioned, serviced and re calibrated.

Photo: E. Merfield
The trip to Law Dome summit some 120 km involved 2 parties one to dig-out and service the AWS, the other party involved scientist whose project was to measure and compare gravity readings to those measured 40 years ago. This will determine the amount of snow accumulation and ice added to the region, figures useful in assessing the global green house effect.
The new tide gauge was completed and installed by Roger, who this week also succeeded in downloading the old gauge, maintaining a thirteen year monitoring program on tides and wave action. Investigation of the end of 2004 records found that the Boxing Day tsunami was measurable even here in Antactica


Other science projects include:

  • Collecting seaweed (macroalgae) in Sparkes Bay, for an ongoing science project looking at pollution impacts on algae.
  • Measuring Earths electric field current. While they proved the equipment worked in the environment, they will have to install it next year higher on the plateau.

Photo: J Smith.

St Patrick's Day was celebrated as you would expect, with everything green. The chef managed to place green food dye in everything to produce a visually disgusting but edible morning tea, that included green scrambled eggs, green tomatoes, green baked beans, green bread and muffins and green milk.


The traditional Casey 5km Sorrel fun run between "The Nipple and Casey red-shed was run in the afternoon. (The Nipple is a small prominent hill 5km's away from the station heading up to the plateau)

The Rules were minimal but to win the trophy participants must run or walk the distance in their "Sorrel" snow boots. Skiers were allowed to participate but were ineligible to win the prized "Sorrel" boot trophy.


The end of summer / start of winter.

At the end of March the Aurora Australis, the last ship of the 2004-2005, season steamed into the bay. After a quick 2 days of resupply of fresh fruit and mail and the retreval of summer expeditioners,the ship and its helicopters left for Hobart leaving behind on station the wintering crew of 14 for 6 months.

2 new arrivals for winter:

One was the replacement met observer Linclon, the other a school/internet travel buddy quokka called Rocky from Ms. Efthyvoulos and the West Australian school


Rocky the Quokka.

Rocky comming from Rottnest Island, naturally is a keen Fremantle Dockers fan and just loves Tim Tams.

Rocky and his travels around the environs of Antarctica can be seen on his website







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