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Christmas Greetings

from other Antarctic Stations

Dear Australian Stations,

Season's Greetings from South Pole Station.

I'd like to invite you to listen to carols over HF from South Pole,
McMurdo, and probably Scott Base on Christmas Day at 1:45pm NZDT (00:45 UTC - 8:45am Casey?).

And if you would like to sing carols also, that would be great!
Dec 25 13:45 NZDT 4770Hz 14:00 NZDT 11.553 MHz

One of our Antarctic traditions is the annual singing of the carols over HF radio. Remember, HF is the historic (and current!) means of
communication in Antarctica, and using the airwaves for holiday songs is a way of sharing the holiday with others across the continent.
If you'd like to join us, come to Comms at 2pm on Christmas Day. McMurdo will start things off, and we'll have some music and words available for anyone who'd like to sing (or just listen - no pressure!).
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Darryn Schneider
South Pole, Antarctica
Season's Greetings to all spending this holiday in the Antarctic, and to our friends and family back home. We at South Pole wish you peace and a succesful year in 2005, as we remember those who have come before us to work and learn on "the Ice".

BK Grant
South Pole Area Director
United States Antarctic Program



From all hands at McMurdo Station, we wish you a meaningful and peaceful Holiday Season.

George L. Blaisdell
NSF Representative, Antarctica
McMurdo Station



We at Palmer Station wish you joyful holidays, peace, and success in the New Year

Will Silva Onsite Manager

Langdon Quetin Science Leader

Merry Christmas from Rothera

Dear. Antarctic fellows
We hope you have a merry christmas and peaceful new year!!!

Also, we wish you are good and healthy next year.

Best regards
King Sejong Station
18th Korean Wintering Members


We at NCAOR wish you and all your Antarctic
colleagues the best in future.

I hope the spirit of Antarctica will guide us in future.
Merry christmas and happy new year.

Dr. P. C. Pandey
National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR)
Headland Sada, Vasco-da-Gama
Goa 403 804 India

Merry Christmas from all at Mawson

Graham Cook

Station Leader Mawson 2005

From the Macca team
57th ANARE

Macquarie Island Radio
Australian Antarctic Divn


Seasons Greetings from Gough Island

Merry Christmas and an exciting 2005




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