Fun Day a Tremendous Success!
By Cy Peterson

What a fantastic day!! We had perfect weather to set the stage for our best Fun Day ever! We had over 80 entries and so many raffle prizes I could not even count them. The costumes were absolutely incredible! Harry Potter was there, the Runaway Bride was there; we had a dragon and a princess, a life guard, pirate, dinosaur and more! Everybody was so cute!! Our Club Café was outstanding! Thank you Joe, Jim and Larry for such wonderful cuisine! You make quite a team and should do this professionally! We had tremendous support from the community for raffle prizes so we were still raffling after dark. We met our goal of $2,000 to give to St. Judes and I know they will be pleased.

Fun Day also included the raffle for the Patriot, the ½ Arabian gelding. The benefit was for the Anna Crawford Home. After paying for expenses, (advertising, printing, etc.) we raised approximately $1700 for the Home. Wow! How exciting is that? Altogether, Fun Day brought in over $3700 for our targeted charities!

Thank you to all the volunteers and participants! We could not have done it without you!

CCSC Treasurer’s Report for November 2005
By Jayne Hughes

Balance Forward 10/24/2005                 $ 1,544.69

Fun Day Receipts              $ 1,688.00
Renewal Membership Dues
Poker Ride Fees
Poker Ride Raffle
50/50 Raffle
Tack Sale Income
Shirts / Vest Sales                $ 32.00
Total Income                                     $ 1,720.00

Fun Day Expenses               $ 373.41
Newsletter Expenses             $ 52.50
Total Expense                                      $ 425.91

Balance at 11/15/2005                        $ 2,838.78

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The treasurer’s report does not include disbursements to the charities supported by the club Fun Day and the raffle of The Patriot horse.

That information will be provided next month.

Cobb Park May Offer Lovely Horse Trails

Over a year ago Cobb County leased 1,400 acres from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) that is located west of Acworth adjacent to Lake Allatoona. The intent is that the park will be developed as a passive park with trails for horses, bicyclists, and walking/jogging. There remains indecision about whether the three user categories will share the same trails (preferred by equestrians and bicyclists) or if there will be separate and much shorter trails for each user category. Assuming that park management plans do not change before then, the park will be open again for equestrians starting in January 2006, after 10:00 a.m. each day. In February the time restriction will be removed so one can then ride anytime during the daylight hours. The trails have not been approved or constructed yet. But, there are wonderful meadows for riding and a large parking space. This is a great place to ride. Watch the newsletter for more details next month.

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