Mission Statement

     I am pursuing my masters in information technology due to the increasing change in technology and the importance it has on everyone's lives. I am not an expert with computers but I love to work on and with them. I will play with programs to see how they operate and learn how to use them. I have crashed my system and fixed it many times. I have downloaded  programs on my hard drive that have caused internal errors on my system. I have reformatted my system many times, because I did not know how to fix the error any other way.  I have installed hardware to upgrade my system and had to work for hours to get it going again. Every time I do something I learn something new.

    I come from an era that did not have computers in our n high school, and I did not use a computer until I was a student in college in 1986. My first computer class was an introductory class that taught basic language. Then next classes that I took were basic word processing and spread sheet. Technology has created a world of instant information and made many tasks much easier and I want to be able to know what I am doing and also help children use that technology to it's fullest potential.

    Today children are more knowledgeable about computers than most adults. They are not afraid to make mistakes. Many children have their own computers and play games and use educational software. I have substituted in many classrooms and have seen computers sitting in classroom’s either gathering dust or as a word processor to type monthly newsletters. As research has shown children today require more stimuli and want to be entertained. I feel using technology will increase visual stimuli and be more entertaining for students.

    My goal is increase my knowledge of programs and technology and incorporate it into my classroom and eventually, possibly districts.  I want to be able to see the skills students are lacking and assist them in building those skills.  I feel that computers can give every child the opportunity to experience things by computers they would never be able to in life. They can do this by traveling the cosmos, email with children from different countries, and visit virtual museums. Technology is still in its infancy and I want to be able use what is available and to know where technology is headed so I can be on the cusp of future technology.



mailto:[email protected]                        Final Project ETEC 500

Mission Statement                     Special Interest  

Assignments                               Tectonic Plates Webquest

Technology Plan                             Student Teaching Portfolio














































































































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