Asso di denari
Asso di denari

Ace of pentacles

The Earth Goddess, or Mother Eve,
appears with her ubiquitous serpent on
the pentacle that represents the inner spirit
of her magic apple,
the "core" of enlightenment
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Let your Child be A piece of Art
Grafic 50 by 60 cm
Il Carro
Il Carro

The Chariot

Under a starry canopy, a crowned man
rides in a golden chariot bearing the glyph of Mercury.
He has no reins to control his contrasting-colored horses,
wich seem
to be wandering off in opposite directions.
Grafic 50 by 60 cm
L' Eremita

The Hermit

Bearing a Lantern and a Hermetic caduceus-staff,
an old man begins a journey into the dark,
in the opposite deriction from that of the Fool.
Monotype with mixed techniques
All orginals
Price :
550,- guilders
forwarding-charges not included
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order one ??
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[email protected]
Grafic 50 by 60 cm
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