Low Country Stargazers
About the LCS

Our monthly meetings are the first Friday of the month at the College of Charleston in room, 126 of the Science and Physics building at the corner of George and Comings Street.  Enter the building through the Coming street entrance.  Meeting times are 7:30 p.m.  to 9:30 p.m. Topics are balanced to appeal to both beginner and advanced amateur astronomers alike. Monthly meetings include videos, slide shows, lectures, reviews of upcoming celestial events group projects and much more.  These meetings are free, and open to the public of all ages.

We hold many public and private observing sessions or "Star Parties" and also go out to group events for observing sessions
(Click here for details on having us at your event).

Currently we do not have a place to call our own and float between several different dark sky locations.  We are on the look out and trying to find a "Home", and we are also looking for dark sky locations to visit.  If you have any potential sites please contact anyone on the board and let us know.

Each of our club members has their own interests.  Some like looking at planets, while others enjoy the challenge of deep sky observing.  Some members like telescope making and mirror grinding, while others are into astrophotography and CCD imaging.  Whatever your interest in astronomy, there is probably someone else just like you in the club that is more than willing to share his or her stories and information.

Please feel free to come to any of our monthly meetings or events. For more information about becoming a member
click here or call 843-367-5564.

Thank You.
About Us
Contacting Us
LCS Photo Page
Please address any questions, comments or concerns that you may have via email to the webmaster.
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