We are all made up of Body, Soul and Spirit. We all know how important it is to take care of our bodies, to feed it when it is hungry and to lay it down when it is tired. What we do with our body and spirit will lay path for our Soul. So many people ignore their spirit and never let it out or try to connect with it. It is sometimes easy to reach out but difficult to reach within. When we try and touch the spirit of our great Creator or see the spirit in someone we love, it can't be done for we have not went deep inside and found our own great spirit. Oh, yes it is very great and powerful but first we must unchain and let it be heard and felt within us. Before anyone can feel or hear it we must first connect with it ourselves. Our great ancestors made instruments and tools to help us do this. That is one reason I get so much gratification in making and sharing some of the work I do. For instruments or tools I make, this is what they are designed to help with, seeking your enter spirit so it can be shared with all.

A Spirit that is mean and vile is one that has not been nurtured.


O'si'yo: Welcome my friends to Cedar Croft's web site. My name is Steve Hightshoe, alias Cherokee Cowboy. Later my wonderful wife Lisa Skidmore (U'sti Waya) will meet you. We are different individuals who make-up one, sharing the same heart. We are both very proud of our American Indian heritage and like sharing with others our talents, given to us by our Great Creator along with what we have learned from others who try to find balance, love and harmony in all things they do and all living things around us. I am a member of the Single Action Shooting Society and Known there as the Cherokee Cowboy. This alias combines my two heroes, the American Indian and the true American Cowboy. It doesn't take but a quick look around at Cedar Croft and my way of dress to see who my heroes are. We have a deep respect for all living things and truly love our dogs and horses. Once a year we help organize the Olde Lincoln Trail Ride. This is a 125 mile ride through East Central Illinois following the path of Abe's family when his father moved them to Illinois in 1830. I enjoy making and playing American Indian style flutes. I am a much better craftsman than musician but still find peace and tranquility in playing. (Good medicine for your spirit) I also make different styles and sizes of American Indian style drums. I make the deer rawhide myself for the drum tops. The green hides are purchased at a local process plant during hunting season. Along with that, rawhide rattles, smudge fans and peace pipes. Doing this along with taking care of our small farm, I can stay very busy.                        

Hi, my name is Lisa (U'sti Waya). My husband gave me the name as Little Wolf because of my love for them and I collect Wolf Meomrabilia. 
Steve and I have been diligently trying to learn the Cherokee language, A beautiful language that we would like to see preserved.
I have many intertests. I prefer mostly earthly things. I have spent several years learning all I can about herbs, aromatherapy or anything metaphysical.
That Cowboy is not the only craftperson at Cedar Croft. While he is busy down in his shop, you will find me making Dream Catchers, earrings, necklaces, Gourd bowls and even flute cases. I am a avid reader of crafts, culture and healing arts of Native Americans and their heritage, always trying to learn.
I have used herbal products most of my adult life and have sold them for eight years. I have studied, tried and sold many different brand names. The two most important things I have found to look for in buying herbal products is the purity and being sure of the quality. Normally you get what you pay for. The cheaper products are either short on purity or quality. I like to see what the herb has been tested for berfore I use it. I think
Nature's Sunshine Products are some of the purest I've tried and the quality is assured. This is the product I reccomend and sell as a Nature's Sunshine Independent Distributor.
I also sell AM-300, a Great Natural Herbal Energizer and is a natural solution for weight loss. For a brochure or to order Please phone  or
e-mail me.
I'll leave you my most favorite quote taken from Helen Keller:
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart".

                                                                                 Lisa (U'sti Waya)


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