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One: First Impressions

He was not paying attention. Not to the two men behind him or the two guards after them. It didn’t take him long to realize people always escorting him to his quarters, meant it was just a really nice word for a cell. And that at least two guards accompanying him everywhere he went, meant they expected him to do something wrong. What, they seemed unsure of and wouldn’t say.

Yet they had called him a hero. Said he had saved his team from the Wraith. But because he was captured by them and had his memories wiped clean, he guessed they believed him to be somehow compromised. For the time being he decided to accept the precautions they were taking. But that didn’t make it any easier.

Eyes to the floor, he did not care to take in the views of where he was currently at. The beautiful city upon the ocean lacked bars and was comfortable but he was far from feeling free. No matter how spacious, the walls still pressed in on him.

New to Atlantis, she wasn’t sure if she was going the right way. Running late she was reluctant to stop and double check. Or better put, second guess herself in what seemed a maze of halls, flights of stairs and transporters. Already, she was mentally wincing at the thought of what Dr. Rodney McKay might do or say when she got to the lab. She doubted he would take her explanation well.

Yesterday had been a long one for her. With first filling out and turning in the final paperwork for her transfer. That was after she finished up her remaining duties, submitted her reports to her replacement and started packing. Born with a terrible sense of direction, it had taken her longer then expected to find her new quarters. Then she had to settle in. All which involved merely putting her stuff down, setting the alarm and dropping face first into bed. So tired the following morning, she had slept nearly an extra hour through her alarm. After a record two minute shower as she was frantically drying off. Gwen made a mental note, to tinker with it, at least when or if she could find some extra time.

“Perhaps retrofit it with a blow horn of sorts!” She now muttered raggedly under her breath while jogging. Then finally noticing the loose state of her hair, she worried belatedly. “Did I remember to bring a hair ba-“

It was then. Both deep in thought, they turned the same corner and ran into each other, literally.


“Oh sh-”

The rest of her curse was knocked mute. She had tried to stop. He had tried to take a step back. But the contact was still solid. And the shock of their bodies painfully colliding slaked her grip on everything she was carrying. As she attempted to keep balance, her various gadgets and electronical equipment slipped from her hands. They clattered to the floor. She would have fallen too, if he had not acted quickly and grabbed her. But as soon as he did, voices from his four companions rose up around them.

“Let her go!” One demanded.

“Ronon, will you relax? He’s just caught her.” The other said. No, she recognized that voice. It belonged to Lieutenant Coronal John Sheppard.

“Exactly,” The former runner and now specialist from the planet Sateda rumbled back.

All of them began to talk. The guards did so quietly to one another, Ronon and John however, not so much.

“Are you okay?” The calmest of the five men asked. And she knew it certainly wasn’t Ronon Dex’s. It lacked a gravely edge. And it was too gentle even with the stunned aspect in it.

Her muscles gave a little relived shudder. As they loosen, she wondered why she couldn’t pin a face to the voice. Then she felt his arm tighten around her waist. Automatically, hers tightened around his neck. And belatedly, she realized her eyes were still squeezed shut from the impact. She risked a peek. Saw nothing but the collar of a black T-shirt. Military, she realized along with his height. He was at least a head taller than her.

Bending his face down and close he whispered again. “Are you okay?”

Finally, she met the one who caught her eyes and immediately blushed. They were deep set, a steely blue and at the moment inquisitively wide. His brows were drawn up. Slanted in concern and pointing to his forehead. It was lined from the expression, his age and what seemed a love of the outdoors. Above his hair line was high. But the mop of short but wavy dark blond hair was thick.

Taking in his other features one would agree he was not handsome in the traditional sense. But warmth and kindness radiated from his flaws, which she preferred over an icy perfection. All and all she found him rather attractive. And caught up in the moment, the honesty of it played over her face. All she could get out was a mortifyingly breathy, “I…”

As Ronon took notice of them, John did too and cleared his throat. The man holding her blinked and realized they were all just standing there. Politely, he let her go then cautiously stepped away and over her stuff. As he looked down at the floor, she followed. And she couldn’t help the moan of anguish at the mess. At the very least her laptop was certainly damaged.

Sinking to her knees she finally managed, “I’m okay but…”

Crouching also, he offered. “Can I help?”

“She can manage. Now let’s go.” Ronon ordered, taking a step towards them.

She flinched but internally and refused to look up at him. Instead she focused on who was now bent to one knee looking carefully over the mess. As if he was unsure where to start. To her surprise, he too didn’t jump to Ronon’s order but instead ignored it.

Ronon on the other hand, wasted no time. About to make her helper follow it, he was stopped short by John. Who grabbed Ronon’s arm instead.

“Hey,” John started and then looked around to get the attention of the two other men as well. With a trace of annoyance he decided. “This is no big deal. If he wants to help her, I don’t see why not?”

“I do,” Ronon replied gruffly.

To that, in confusion she finally looked up. And she watched as Ronon shrugged John’s hand off. He then rolled his broad shoulders, itching to act. When he dropped his chin and glared, she finally made the connection. It wasn’t directed to her at all. Instead it was to the man to whom she ran into. Watching them all one by one turn and move away she heard Ronon mutter something to John. What, she didn’t catch and felt lucky not to. But she still got the gist of if. Utter hatred and it was barely restrained.

Still dazed she slowly turned back. To the man who was nice enough to pick up all of her stuff. All she could manage to do was just watch him. Distracted and a little disappointed. She had certainly envisioned better scenarios with his two notable companions, then to make this scene. First impressions completely blown, she felt her cheeks only grow hotter. But at least it didn’t take him long before he was handing over her stuff carefully stacked upon her broken computer. Taking it she whispered, “Thank you.”

To it he raised his eyes and met hers in confusion. She gave him a small smile. And after a second he returned it. Hesitating for only another he thought to offer his hand. When she took it, he didn’t shake it. Instead he held it firmly while rising then assisted her up. For that her smile grew and she thanked him again.

Straightening she noticed how very close they were. When he didn’t let go of her hand, she didn’t try to free it. But she looked up. Just inches away his head bent to look down at her. Neither one of them moved. Openly they studied one another, till John noticed. He snapped their attention back to their surroundings by saying.

“Comon Michael, you’ve helped her. We don’t want to keep Dr. Heightmeyer waiting now do we?” To emphasize the urgency, John jerked his head down the corridor.

Michael turned to him then to Ronnon. The light of interest in his eyes dimmed and grew dark. His mind pulled deeply inward. To private thoughts and perhaps, she thought worries as well. When at last Michael let go of her hand, he stared at his own palm as if to confirm something before giving a nod. “No…no I don’t.” He said and finally obeyed an order. Eyes once again to the floor, he started walking. Ronon and the guards followed.

She stared after them but only for a few seconds. About to leave John stepped in front of her and blocked her path. “Might I inquire where you’re heading to so fast?”

“Dr. McKay’s office, why?” Her stare didn’t waver. She refused to feel guilty about an accident. Also she refused herself the indulgence of another look down the long hall to Michael again.

“No reason except you must be new here.” John gave an easy smile and pointed down the corridor which she had just came barreling out of. “Cause his lab is that way. You just missed it. It’s the second to your left.”

She nodded, thanked him and started for it but John followed. “Say, I didn’t catch your name back there.”

His casual stride and friendly face didn’t fool her. Whatever she had done, Dr. Elizabeth Weir would be finding out about it and soon from him. She kept walking but cooperated. “It’s Dr. Gwen Reyes.”

He offered his hand. “I’m Lieutenant Coronal -“

“I know who you are, Sir.” She interrupted with a polite smile. Then giving all what she held a pointed look. She gave him an apologetic shrug.

“Well that’s not fair.” John realized and asked, “May I?” Before Gwen could answer, he helpfully took a few of the more precariously balanced items off of her laptop while adding. “After all, I don’t know you. In fact I don’t think I’ve seen you around.” Lowering his voice he added playfully, “Because if I did, I wouldn’t have forgotten.”

Gwen kept up the blank look and her guard. The rumors she had heard were being confirmed. John was a flirt. Arching a brow in amusement at his wink, she explained smoothly. “I’m sorry to say I’ve been, too busy to socialize. Just settled in yesterday and this will be the first day I’ll be available to assist Dr. McKay since arriving in the Pegasus Galaxy.”

“Ah, you must have arrived with the rest of Coronal Steven Caldwell’s crew. Don’t tell me you’ve been stuck on the Daedalus all this time?”

“No, I’ve been aboard the Orion too, assisting with repairs. I would have reported to Dr. McKay sooner if you had not discovered it.”

“I renamed it too,” John added offhandedly.

“So I’ve heard. Its original name was rather…” She trailed off with a grimace at the time her watch displayed.


Reaching the sliding doors she paused and turned to him. “Very, I over slept. But it’s probably to the point now that a few more minutes won’t make much of a difference. Was there anything else that you wanted to know Lieutenant Coronal-”

“Please, call me John.” He insisted and handed back the stuff he had helped her with. “And nope, just want to wish you good luck with him.”

Her eyes widened and turned to the door. And they both listened to Rodney’s muffled shouting on the other side. “I don’t care to hear your theories on why she’s late! I’m busy! Stop bothering me with and go find her if you’re so convinced she’s lost!”

“Ah-oh…he’s in one of his moods of his again.” The rip of Velcro had Gwen’s attention snapping back to John. As he fished into his field vest he mumbled, “You’re going need this.”

Of all the things Gwen expected someone to pull out of a pocket, a small lemon certainly wasn’t one of them. Without a word of explanation he set it down on top of everything she was holding.

About to ask its purpose, Gwen heard the door open and whirled around. Thinking it was Dr. McKay. But instead, it was a slightly flustered woman with brown almond shaped eyes behind large glasses. In relief, Gwen turned back to find John catching up. With Ronon, Michael and the two guards who had already rounded a corner.

Holding her things plus the lemon, Gwen wondered who Michael was. She also wondered because of what just happened, would it mean a trip to Elizabeth’s office. And why did she need a lemon in regard to Dr. McKay? Gwen however didn’t get time to think too long on the subjects.

After giving a little jump at finding her so soon, the short and slight woman grabbed her. She pulled her down the corridor with surprising strength. While in a hushed voice she explained. “It would be wise if we wait to return. Dr. McKay needs to have some quiet time now. Do not worry. He is easy to handle. We will bring him back some coffee. I will show you how he likes it. When we return tell him you thought to get him some. And that was why you were late.” Frowning a little in uncertainty, she let go and added. “You’re Dr. Gwen Reyes, yes?

“Just Gwen is fine.”

“Ah good, normally everyone calls each other by there last name. But please if you may call me Miko,” she offered her hand but kept walking.

Gwen adjusted what she carried to free hers to take it. But a soft thump, confirmed she had dropped at least one item. Spotting the something being yellow and rolling away, she let out a breath in relief. It wasn’t important. And putting it out of her mind she focused on shaking the woman’s hand. “Okay Miko.” She agreed but then returned to the subject of before. “Dr. McKay…the coffee…won’t he see through that?”

Miko paused and smiled, “No.” Catching herself in a reflective surface she frowned. Noticing the state of her hair, she walked up to the glass like surface of the window. “It always works.” Undoing her short ponytail to smooth it out, Miko continued to explain. “But he’s very smart when it comes to anything that doesn’t involve people.”

“Oh,” Gwen realized more than commented on what Miko had said. Not missing the how. The tone of praise in the woman’s voice was evident. And if Gwen had any doubts about the crush, Miko’s primping dispelled them. When they finally entered the mess hall Gwen ventured, “Does he usually yell at you–I mean, everyone like that?”

“Only when he is under stress, hungry and also when he is tired,” Miko explained and grabbed one cup for each of them and two for Rodney.

“So most of the time?”

“Yes,” Miko smiled good-naturedly. Glowing a bit, she gently continued, defending his character. “But his character has improved greatly since I first met him. He works very hard. Too hard and forgets to take care of himself. And at times he is under a lot of pressure. Few people can keep up with his thinking process. It frustrates him when he has to slow down for us and waist time explaining things to get us caught up. Try to keep up and he will not yell at you.”

“Oh how encouraging,” Gwen grimaced and watched as Miko show her how Rodney liked his coffee.

Miko laughed as she added the two of the four required sugar packets to one of Rodney’s cups. “He’s not as bad as you think. You will see.” Narrowing her eyes slyly, Miko didn’t put in the other two and finished with. “You’ll learn to handle him.”

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