My Husband's Memorial

Melvin L. Jeffery

I Love You...

...And I Miss You

March 14, 1953 - September 4, 1997

He Touched The Lives Of Many

My Husband, Melvin, and I were together for 22 years.  He was a journeyman painter and we worked a lot together on side jobs.  Working with your spouse can be quite trying to say the least.  He made sure I was no stranger to tools for which I am very thankful.  One of his favorite lines when we were bidding on a job was, "Hell, if you want your carpet painted, we can do that too!".


Written November 7, 1999

Houston, Tx.  1957

San Francisco, Ca.  1968

Melvin was born in Houston, Texas and moved to San Francisco when he was eleven.  He never lost that Texan accent, and I had the hardest time understanding him for the first 2 or 3 years.  After that I became his interpreter.  We have two kids. Son, 26 years old.  Daughter, 22 years old.  My son blessed us with a grandson who is now 9 years old.  (I am way too young to have kids this old!)


Us-Hayward, Ca. 1983

Hayward, Ca. 1983

On March 12, 1997, our lives changed forever.  Melvin had been sick with the "flu" (we thought) since the beginning of the year.  He wasn't the type to run to the doctor over everything.  He never had any health problems before.  That day I really didn't like how he looked and took him to the hospital.  He went straight to ICU and spent his 44th birthday there.  That same day, a hemotologist came to tell me he had Multiple Myeloma.  Bone Marrow Cancer.  Six months later he was gone.

A Giantish Song
Sung by Pitchwife Giant


By SR Donaldson

"My heart has rooms that sigh with dust
     And ashes in the hearth.
They must be cleaned and blown away
     By daylight's breath.
But I cannot essay the task,
For even dust to me is dear;
For dust and ashes still recall,
     My love was here.

"I know not how to say Farewell,
     When Farewell is the word
That stays alone for me to say
     Or will be heard.
But I cannot speak out that word
Or ever let my loved one go:
How can I bear it that these rooms
     Are empty so?

"I sit among the dust and hope
     That dust will cover me.
I stir the ashes in the hearth,
     Though cold they be.
I cannot bear to close the door,
To seal my loneliness away
While dust and ashes yet remain
     Of my love's day."

Modesto, Ca. 1996

San Mateo, Ca.  July-1997

More info on Multiple Myeloma

If you have lost someone, the following sites are helpful.

Internationl Multiple Myeloma Foundation

Widow Net

Grief and Healing Board

Is death the last sleep?
No.  It is the last final awakening.

Faith is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.

Faith is the continuation of reason.

When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
And are about to step off into the darkness,
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen.
One, there will be something solid there to stand on, or
Two, there will be someone there to teach you to fly.


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