Memorial for My Mother
Helen Anne Warren-Parks
May 18, 1935 to Sept. 1, 1988
Mom was born in Fresno, Ca.  At the age of seven she lost her mother to an acute hernia.  When she was thirteen, her father remarried and moved his family to Burlingame, Ca.  She graduated from Burlingame High School and went to San Mateo Junior College until she met my father.  She was 19 when they married and 20 when I was born.  She ended up going the traditional route and becoming a "Domestic Engineer".  She was also me and my sisters personal tailor.  She was an excellent seamstress and we always wanted store bought!
Mom's hubba hubba picture
1940  Fresno, Ca.
The first time I saw this photo, I was so upset because I thought it was my sister who is two years younger than I.  I just could not figure out why she got a pony picture and I didn't.  I'm not sure I believed Mom at first when she told me it was her.  I was around 4 or 5 at the time.
1953 Burlingame, Ca.
1951 Bass Lake, Ca.
After my parents married, they moved to San Francisco, Ca. where my sister and myself were born.  Around 1960-61 we moved to San Jose, Ca.  In 1965 my other sister was born.  Mom was very active with our schools and Brownie and Girl Scouts, and later with Swim Meets with my youngest sister.
My Mom & Me
1956 San Francisco, Ca.
Mom and I took a day trip to Yosemite National Park in 1986.  I am so glad we went.  She had a good day.
1986 Yosemite, Ca.
In 1975-76 she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She had  a radical mastectomy soon after.  Went through the Hell of chemo-therapy a couple of times and at one point had a 5 year remission.
1985 San Jose, Ca.
She lost her battle on September 1, 1988.
She is survived by her three girls and nine grandchildren. She was here to meet all of them.  Four grandson's and five grandaughters.   She also has a nine year old great-grandson and a brand new great-granddaughter she didn't get to meet.  She would be so tickled by them.
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