Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV
Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

After almost a week and a half of unseasonably seasonable (!) weather  here in the wilds of Canada (VBG), I have finally come to the conclusion that yes, indeed, spring has finally sprung! And close on the heels of that happy thought, follows the old axiom of a young man’s fancy lightly turning to thoughts of love. This week, I’d like to take a look at how this applies to some of the couples on PC.

First and foremost, Frank and Karen---although I know the time travel story hasn’t exactly been garnering very many rave reviews, I will have to admit to actually liking it, mainly because I really appreciate the chemistry between these two characters. Also, being  a child of the seventies myself, I have to say I got quite a kick out of the various cultural references throughout(TAB, mood rings, ---anyone else notice that the one Cookie appears to be wearing is invariably black?---and, of course, mostly the music!), plus the idea of “what if” one could actually alter the sequence of future events by going back in time has always been intriguing to me. Finally, their first lovemaking scene was everything a first time on soaps should be---it didn’t just come out of the blue, but instead was very carefully built up to story-wise, so it made sense, as well as being very beautifully shot and choreographed, as it were, and the music was awesome (nice idea doing a remake of a seventies classic!). Kudos to everyone involved here, and this is one pair that I think has a bright future ahead of them. 

However, I can’t say I hold out much hope for Joe and Gabi---no offense to the actors involved, but this couple has just never clicked , and they would both be better off being paired elsewhere.  I really like the actress who portrays Gabi, and hope TPTB give her and Joe some good story soon.  I also must state  that I think the whole idea of Joe just ever so complacently giving Frank and Karen his blessing to pursue their relationship is highly unlikely. I mean, here is the woman that he’s been crazy about all these years, who basically broke up with him under some of the most contrived and unrealistic circumstances it’s ever been my misfortune to witness on a soap, and who is now going out with his brother, and he’s ok with this? Yeah, right. Attention, writers---you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to portray a classic “two brothers vying for one girl’s affections” storyline here! With all of the history between Joe & Karen, not to mention the shared rivalry between Frank and Joe, this could be a potential winner for sure. Plus, I’m certain Mary  must be just thrilled that yet another of her sons has fallen prey to Karen’s womanly wiles(NOT!).

As for Jamal and Ally, I love them---they have chemistry galore! My only complaint is this lame biker gang storyline---they need to have some real, family-oriented stuff going on, and to that end, they need a real family! I absolutely love the interaction between Jamal  and “Gran” (AKA Amanda Barrington), and can only imagine how much better it could be for these two were their respective family units to be expanded---more please!

On the other hand, I want to see much less of Jack and Livvie---this is a pairing that I absolutely loathe, as it’s simply not possible to like a couple when one doesn’t really know or care much of anything about the two people who comprise said couple. Putting two individuals together in a case like this only serves to increase the annoyance (not to mention FF!) factor.

As you may have noticed, in keeping with my spring theme this week, I’ve chosen to concentrate more on the younger , fresher couples this time out---I hope to have more on the tried (but not necessarily true!) couples next week. As always, however, PC is not exactly brimming over with real romance, so the time is definitely ripe for some creative and innovative pairings that we can really root for and relate to. Frank & Karen, and Ally & Jamal should be just the beginning of  some good old-fashioned romantic storytelling. I eagerly anticipate the day when we’ll have even more talented twosomes lighting up our TV screens with a return to romance! (Chris and Eve, anyone?)  I guess hope really does spring eternal after all!

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