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Street Fighter, and nothing else.Just for Vega.R and R works of mine.  Religious and Romantic
My celebrity inspirations/human muses to my writing...
Well, this one is a little more divine than normal...  :)  Jesus Christ, the love of my life, dictates nearly everything that I do.  Through him, nearly all of my writings have become masterpieces with patience and time.  If you have read my works, you will notice that almost all of them are flavored somewhat with religion, sometimes straightforward but usually symbollically.  Usually I just cannot help this and write from my heart.  And as Jesus is the very center, He writes most of it for me.  Without Him, I, my works, and my life would have no purpose or goal.  Jesus is the king of all, and it is an honor to serve Him.
There's just something about Chaucer that I absolutely loved.  His writing is so wonderful and inspiring, and manages to relate to just about any person or profession in his writing.  One day I hope to be able to rewrite his Canterbury Tales in a way that will be updated to the 21st Century, using characters from nowadays.  This is not to insult Chaucer in the slightest, but to show him just how much I admire his writing style and talent.  I can't wait to meet him in person when I get to heaven.
I cannot believe I have such a wonderful picture of Paula Abdul in my possession.  It is so hard to believe that this picture is her.  At any rate, this woman's music has always been wonderful to listen to, to dance to, and to write to.  Her songs that inspired me in paticular are "Rush Rush," "Will You Marry Me," and "Blowing Kisses in the Wind."  Let's not forget other awesome dance-style classics like "Forever Your Girl," "Opposites Attract," "Vibeology," and tons of others that I can't mention in fear of losing disk space.  Growing up with her in the 80's was a blessing and a half, and I really wish that she could become mainstream again.  She's a wonderful lady, and I feel awful that her marriages didn't work out for her.  A nice lady like her deserves a wonderful prince.
Enter Chicago, and their Greatest Hits.  This band is absolutely amazing.  It was while listening to their CD that I wrote a few of my best works.  I cannot help but dance with my lovely fiancee' while listening to their beautiful music.  This group has truly captured the lyrics and voice of the innermost parts of the heart.  If any band can speak the language of love, this band is it.
This has to be the most adorable actress in the world.  Julia Roberts is a splendid happy person that I would absolutely love to meet in person.  I love her modesty in her movies especially, and never in one movie does she flaunt herself like oh so many actresses do.  For this reason alone, she is my favorite female actress.  Her roles in all of her movies have always been uplifting and peaceful, and have inspired me to create many of my works to reflect just that.  Despite my crush I had on her when I was younger, she gives me promise and hope in every movie I see her in.  Maybe one day I will write a best-seller book that will be made into a movie, and her as one of the lead characters.  Dreamers always have many large dreams, but eventually one of them has to come true.  Why not this one?
I cannot think of leaving this man out.  Billy Joel has been writing top-hit songs since I was a little boy, and even younger I suppose...  (I don't mean to make you older Mr. Joel...)  Anyway, his songs are uplifting, romantic, teasing, and sometimes just plain hallarious.  Billy Joel appeases to every common person, and writes his songs just for them.  Billy Joel has not left one emotion out of his many musical works of art.  He can make you cry in happiness one minute, have you frustrated in the next song, and laughing in the next.  If this can't inspire you, nothing can.


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