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Like my pet tiger?

Welcome to Cecil's Home Page. Tiger!!!!!

God, Street Fighter II (arcade and anime), wild animals, techno, the Red Wings, and a whole lot more!

Sabotage!  Christian Cross-over lyrics to a song by the Beastie Boys.

A couple of pictures of my family and my wife.
Don't make fun of the geek in the middle.                   What a hottie.We're too cute.

Email me here: 

God loves all, including you dearest child of the Lord...

A wildlife gallery of pictures (esp. felines and tigers):

Red Wing Links:


Anime Links:

Video Game Links:

At last, a Senior.  :)  Finishing this year will not be easy, as I will have very little time on my hands.  Between classes, my job, my fiancee', spending time with God, and updating my page, I will have my hands full.  Geocities has been very kind to me, giving me beaucoup megs to work with, and making an impressive page.  Having neglected this update for about a year, I vouched and persuaded myself to give this a nice fix so people can get around in this place a lot easier.  I hope you like the new changes.  I haven't heard any complaints so far.  :)  And it's about time I got all of those links fixed...  Thank you again Geocities for letting me have my page on your server.

Advice for teens:  Don't have sex until you're married!  Your wife/husband will appreciate your virginity, trust me.  Besides, your future loved one wants something from you that no one else has ever had from you.  It's kind of embarassing telling your fiancee', "Well, I wish you were the first person I had sex with.  But I messed up.  I'm sorry.  Hey, at least you'll be the first person I've ever married!"  Big deal people.  Share something personal with your future mate on your wedding night.  Don't waste it.

Advice to parents:  Update:  Read this essay...  Coming from a divorced home, I know how important it is to keep your family together.  I can remember a lot of heartbreaks and lies that my parents told me when they got divorced.  The children always lose out in the end.  Try to get along.  It's not fair to them.  If you would like some advice, please mail me.  I'm not an expert, but I can tell you how your children will view your divorce if you are planning to get one.

Have fun with your marriage.  Have fun with your girl/boyfriend.  Make the relationship last.  Love each other, not fight.  You both will be much happier.  And just for fun, read this essay too.

Strategy Guide for the Crystalline Race (VGA Planets)


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