Here I'd like to thank a lot of people that's helped me make this site possible. Right out flat I'd like to thank everyone that's come to this site, every single person that's given me something to post up, from artwork to a question, every person that's help get this site online and everyone else that I haven't mentioned. You special people know who you are. ^.^

[Anime+Art ver 2.0]My baby! It's still alive! And it's in the hands of my dearest friend's lil sister, Sanoshi's lil sis. Haha!! Third generation! ^_^It lives! I'm happy!

[Duo's Gundam Base]Oh and thank you Sanoshi (aka Hilde) very much for helping me a lot. She did the G-Wing summary and she helped me in this sites developement stage. Okay, that was horrible gratitude on my part. She's one of my dearest friends, and she's just like a sister to me. She's helped me through thick and thin and she's always there when you need her. I am very thankful that I know such a person as her.

[Anime Web Turnpike] Next, I'd like to give big thanks to Anipike. They have supplied me with so many links to sites that I visited to get information. Without Anipike my job would be a lot harder. Anipike has cut my work load down by a lot. Thank you so much Anipike! And all those site that are on there. Click on Trixie to your right to go to Anipike.

[Ghost's Anime Kitties] Oh! Oh! Oh! Ghost's Anime Kittie Page! Did you see all of the cute kitties all over my site? I adopted them from this page! They are so adorable. Anyway, drop her a visit.

[Otaku Society]Otaku Society. Okay this site is a pretty good site. It has links out to a bunch of different pages. It's not as big as anipike, but it's still good. Go and see.

[Anime Cubed]And for more great anime stuff, visit Anime Cubed!

STARS -- My other site that's getting off to a rocky start. A very rocky start. It was supposed to be a clique collaboration, but no one's had the time to help me... Heh, go figure, stick it to Hikyuu...

Thankies everyone! Thankies so much!
NOTE: There are more links all over the art section.

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