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Nitro Sport - RC10GT - RC10T2 - RC10T - RC10 - DS/Oval - 12LW - 12LS - Rocket Car - Mini Z

Rocket Car
This car is quite unusual due to fact that it's rocket powered. I have a lot of stories about this car which I may decide to post at a later date. As you may know I am a BIG Dukes of Hazzard fan and built a 10 cell General Lee drag car. The 10 cell pack went bad and I somehow got the crazy idea to build a rocket car. It took quite a long time to actually get the car built since I'm a poor man. As some of you may know the "original" rocket car had a much different appearance then this one. Some of those differences were a fiberglass chassis, 4 cell alkaline pack stuffed up in the servo pocket and no airdam. This car gets a lot of attention wherever I go. It was actually my first custom RC car project I've ever done.


Check out some closeups

Manufacturers Links

Nitro Sport - RC10GT - RC10T2 - RC10T - RC10 - DS/Oval - 12LW - 12LS - Rocket Car - Mini Z
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