Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do I adopt something?
  2. How do I make a webpage?
  3. When do you plan to write more Dragonflight stories?
  4. Do you make custom adoptions or graphics?
  5. How do you make your adoptions?
  6. I notice that you have replaced some of the old adoptions with new ones. Why did you do this, and can I still adopt the old ones?
  7. I found something to adopt, but I think it would look better in a different color. Can I change it?
  8. Can I use your graphics to make a background/banner/sign/ etc...
  9. One of your graphics that it says not to take would be perfect on my page! Can I use it anyway? Pleeease?
  10. Do you have an update/mailing list?
  11. I saw a website that is using your graphics without following your adoption rules! What should I do?


Q: How do I adopt something?

A: First of all, if you haven't already, read through the adoption rules and follow them. Secondly, decide what you want to adopt, and save the image(s) on your hard drive or a disk. To do this, right-click the mouse over each picture and select "Save Picture As", or "Save Image As", depending on your browser. When you save an image, be sure you note WHERE on your computer you save it. (If you plan on adopting many images, it may be helpful to make a new folder to put them all in.) Once you have the images on your computer, you need to put them up on a webpage. (See question 2 for more details on how to do this.) Once they're up, I'd appreciate it if you'd sign my guestbook with your website address, to tell me what you adopted and where you put them.
      If you have any more questions about adopting and adoption centers, a helpful site I have found is Cyberpet Netiquette.

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Q: How do I make a webpage?

A: These days, you don't even need to know HTML to make a webpage. There are many programs that will do most of the work for you. The first thing you need to do, however, is find a host for your website (someone who will store it online for you, so other people can access it). Some places do this for free, others charge money for it. Regardless of what you decide on, ALWAYS read through the privacy policy and customer agreements first. Also, if you're under 18, be sure to ask a parent or guardian before you sign up.
      Once you've gotten a host, you can start planning your website. Decide on a theme, how you want it to look, what you want to include, and how you want to organize it. Then, it's time to start! Here you have two options: You can write the HTML for the website yourself, or you can find a program that does it for you. One good HTML tutor that I've found is (This is how I learned ^_^). Programs that do the work for you are sometimes provided when you sign up with a web host (AOL and Yahoo/Geocities have some simple, pre-made layouts. All you need to do is add pictures and text). Microsoft Word can also be used for building websites. Once you have the page made, you need to upload it (along with all the graphics you have used on it) to your web host. Your web hosting service should give instructions on how to do this.
      One more important note: if you use any images, music, or other materials on your website besides your own, you should get permission from the artist(s) who made them first. Not doing so can get you into trouble (it may be a copyright law violation). In the case of getting graphics from adoption centers like mine, be sure to read through and follow the rules.
      For more information on making websites visit Bearjest's Cyberpet Help Site, and click on the "Webmaster Resources" link. At the same site, there's a good explanation of copyright laws under the "Cyberpet Netiquette" section.

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Q: When do you plan to write more Dragonflight stories?

A: At this point I don't plan on updating it anymore. I'm sorry to the people who liked it, but I have moved on to other things.

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Q: Do you make custom adoptions or graphics?

A: I'm afraid that I don't have time to make custom or "special-request" adoptions or graphics. if enough people suggest a certain general thing, and if I like the idea and have time, I may add it to the adoption center.

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Q: How do you make your adoptions?

A: I draw them all by hand, then I scan them in. Most of the older adoptions were colored before I scanned them, with either markers or colored pencils. I would then touch up the colors and make the background transparent using a program called Adobe Photodeluxe (it came with my scanner). With the newer adoptions, I stopped coloring them first, and just scanned the outlines. (I draw my adoptions in pencil first, and then go over them with black ink, so the scanner picks them up better). I then touch up the outlines a bit, color them, and make the backgrounds transparent using Adobe Photoshop 6.0. The reason behind the change was because I often found myself having to touch up the colors a lot, since they sometimes scanned funky or looked uneven. Also, coloring them on the computer makes it very easy to experiment with different color combinations.

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Q: I notice that you have replaced some of the old adoptions with new ones. Why did you do this, and can I still adopt the old ones?

A: Basically, the reason why I replaced them was because my drawing skills have improved a bit over the years. Some of the older ones were starting to look a bit "outdated" to me. Also, I used a different techinque and a different program for many of the old adoptions. A few looked a bit "fuzzy" around the edges because of this. I've done a comparison page to show the differences on a few of them. However, if you still want the old ones, you can adopt them here.

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Q: I found something to adopt, but I think it would look better in a different color. Can I change it?

A: No, you may not. Please don't alter my graphics in any way. I work very hard on them, and I don't want to see them changed.

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Q: Can I use your graphics to make a background/banner/sign/ etc...

A: No. You may not use my graphics (or portions of them), to make other things with. Leave them as they are, please.

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Q: One of your graphics that it says not to take would be perfect on my page! Can I use it anyway? Pleeease?

A: No, you may not. Begging won't help either. I'm not trying to be mean, I just want to be able to keep a few "special" graphics for myself, to make my page unique. The "Realm Keepers" on each of the main sections of my site are examples of graphics that cannot be adopted. I made them bigger than the normal graphics and put them on their own pages so they would stand out. Please respect my wishes, and don't take them.

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Q: Do you have an update/mailing list?

A: I used to, but I closed it. I don't plan on updating this site anymore. My thanks to all the visiors who have left kind words in my guestbook over the years.

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Q: I saw a website that is using your graphics without following your adoption rules! What should I do?

A: I'd appriciate it very much if you would notify me in some way. Please include a link to the page(s) where you found the violation(s).

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All graphics and content (unless otherwise stated) Copyright 1998-2003 Cara V. (aka "Chibi Ningyo")
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