Land of Fae

"Follow me, follow me!" Meru cries, cheerfully, flitting ahead. You follow her, until you reach a tiny door. Before you can even ask how she plans on squeezing you through, she giggles and waves her hands. "Ready, set, go!!" She says. The door and Meru both appear to get bigger, and you realize that you are shrinking. "Don't worry, you'll change right back to normal height once you leave," she assures you. "Anywho, feel free to explore and talk to all the candidates, just don't forget the adoption rules if you plan on taking any home to live with you."

fire fairy Ember- the fairy of fire.

Aquata- the fairy of water. water fairy

earth fairy Gaia- the fairy of earth.

Breeze- the fairy of air. air fairy

midnight fairy Dream- the fairy of midnight.

Blossom- the fairy of spring. spring fairy

summer fairy Sunshine- the fairy of summer.

Acorn- the fairy of fall. fall fairy

winter fairy Frosta- the winter fairy.

Remember that you MUST agree to the RULES OF ADOPTION
if you want to put a fairy on your page!

Fairies- page 2


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All graphics and content (unless otherwise stated) Copyright 1998-2001 Cara V. (aka "Chibi Ningyo")
You may use these graphics for personal webpages as long as you follow the adoption rules.
The cloud background is, to the best of my knowledge, public domain. I got it here.
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