(and other anime cuties...)

You enter a room, to be greeted by a blue-haired young
boy with gemlike eyes. He smiles at you, sweetly.

*smile* Hello, My name is Nikori. ... I'm Kouen.
A stuffed bunny A bento (box lunch) for Nikori A brush A mirror

"Hello, My name is Nikori. I'm an ureshii-type chibishounen.
I originally came from the Chibishounen Interdimensional
Adoption Center. Glad you could visit us." ^_^

A chibishounen with red hair barely glances at you, as he
preens in a mirror. "Yeah, hi," he says, distractedly.

"That's Kouen," Nikori smiles. "He's a Miryouku-type."
He hums happily, and starts tidying up the place.
You notice some certificates on the wall:

Nikori's certificate. I got him from the Chibishounen Interdimensional Adoption Center. Kouen's certificate. I got him from the Chibishounen Interdimensional Adoption Center.


^_~ Kurama's Certificate. Thank you, Djinn!
The smell of roses fills the air, and a fox-morph chibishounen
winks at you as you pass by. Kurama here was a special
custom-made gift from Djinn for being the 3000th visitor to
her site. He's based on a character from Yu Yu Hakusho.


.... The Certificate
The pale specter of Death stares at you with baleful eyes.
Most other Chibishounen are afraid of poor Zane here,
so he keeps to himself. His task is a lonely one, indeed.


Dasher The Certificate
Dasher here was a limited edition Christmas Chibishounen
from Djinn. Just don't ask him to pull a sleigh,
he won't like that very much. ^_~


Yes, believe it or not, Nuriko is a guy.
My Nuriko Chibi is from Aikousha


Duo Kitty. He only *looks* innocent...

Zechs Kitty. Kawaii! Noin Kitty.
My Gundam Wing Kitties were adopted from Ghost's Anime Page


Anthromorphs Special Things

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