My Adopted Cyberpets

My name is Genna. Click on me or my certificate below to visit Sunshiney, who I was adopted from! Welcome! My name is Genna. I was adopted by Chibi Ningyo to help protect all of the other cyberpets and guardians she has adopted. Please remember that if you want to adopt one of these pets, you must go back to the original sites to do so (just click on the adoption certificates). Also, The awards this site has received, and special presents from others are kept in this section. Have fun exploring!

Now, which pets would you like to visit:

Realm of Water
The Meadow
The Hidden Grove
Dragon's Den
Dolls and Kao-ani's
My Ferilons
Sha-Haven Creatures
EverRealm Creatures
Adoptions by Misty
Anime Cuties
Summermoon Glade
Special Things �� 2 �� 3
Awards and Gifts
The Archives

I wanna go back

I adopted Genna here: Visit Sunshiney!

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