More Gifts!
More forum gifts!

I am known as Prizm.
Prizm is my beautiful Cypris! She was a gift from Syriiu!


This cute critter is from Spades.
It was a gift for other Cyberpet Agency Owners. Spades
also custom colored this cool unicorn for me.

Cute Unicorn from Spades


Sometimes, you just feel like snoozing in class...
This was a back to school gift from Magnus.
Sometimes, you just feel like snoozing in class.


This cutie was a forum gift from Faerie's Dust.


An animated little froggie from
Madam Grinch at the forum.
She also made this water dragon just for me!

A beautiful water dragon from Madame Grinch.


Nettiquette Pills, for those who disobey the rules.
Kourtney made these Nettiquette pills, to
give out to people who don't follow adoption rules. =p
She also made me this custom ornament.

A cute little christmas ornament.
Hee hee hee! A s'mores flavored Knarf Tart. (looong story behind this one ^_^;;)
A Knarf tart. Silly, ain't it? Also by Kourney.


A birthday present from Michele at Enchanted Galexies.
Michele from Enchanted Galaxies gave me this lion
as a birthday present. Cute, eh?

A Forum Gift from Michele at Enchanted Galaxies.
Michele also made this beautiful hippocampus. It was a forum gift.


A gift from Anya of Saya.
This lovely centaur is a gift from
The Land of Saya


A Birthday Present from Magnus (and Duo Kitty). Thank you!.
This was a birthday present from Magnus
and 'Duo Kitty'. Thank you! ^-^


A blue kitty person.
This little kitty was a forum gift fromMiralynne


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