Even More Forum Gifts...

Dang. I have a lot... ^_^

Cranberry Flame

This cute little seraphil mare is named Cranberry Flame.
She was a gift from Jaysen.



Feithline made this gorgeous owl just for me!
I named him Hedwig (too much Harry Potter).
She also made me this cute My Little Pony,
who I named Spiral Galaxy.

Spiral Galaxy

Visit Gin Unmei



Starluck and Madame Grinch came up with a sort of a trade/contest called the "Halloween Switch". Each of us who participated got paired with another artist, and attempted to draw a cyberpet of their choice using their style. I got paired with Myrror, and she drew this really cool catboy for me. Love his expression, so mischevious! =) In return, I drew her a black cat (He's for Myrror only so don't take him, please).


Black Cat
A Halloween Kitty from Moonstar


This cute Zechs angel boy was a special gift from Duo
(note the little Chibi Ningyo dolly he's holding). Thank you, Duo! ^_^

Duo also made this trio of angel boys for forum members.


These cute little critters are from Michele at Enchanted Galaxies
Both a kit form and an adult form.


A gift from Hazel Flame
This beautiful creature was a forum gift from Hazel Flame.


Salea and Ro. Salea offers his heart (who could refuse?)

Gorgeous Pegasus Boys by Trowa!


My Cyen Aquatic Adoptions


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