Den of the Dragons

�����You see a cave in front of you, with a sign that reads: "Here there be dragons." You peer inside, curiously, only to find yourself staring face to face with an ice blue dragon. Fearfully, you start backing away slowly, hoping you can escape before the beast pounces on you.

I am Icestorm. Do not fear, I will not hurt you.

�����Instead of pouncing, the dragon simply chuckles softly, "No need to run in fear, stranger," he addresses you, in a gentle baritone voice. "I will not eat you, nor will any of the others who reside in these caves. I am Icestorm, and I originally came from Sweet Water Valley."

�����"O-others?" You stammer, starting to relax a little. Then you see them for yourself, peering out at you from various tunnels with curious eyes.

Hello, my name is Posidan.

�����A younger blue dragon peeks at you, shyly. "I'm Posidan from Anime Candy," he pipes out, turning a slight shade of crimson. Funny, you never knew dragons could blush.

Hi, I'm Majik the Dragon.

�����A small green female approaches you, with open curiosity. "Hi, I'm Majik," She says, cheerfully. "We don't get many human visitors here! Glad you could come see us! Oh, and see that sign below? That's the place I was born!"

I got Majik Here!

My name's Chichiri, no da! We're all Lunar Dragons, no da! I'm Mononoke.
Hyas, I'm Usagi! Hi, I'm Vincent!
Hey there, I'm Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie... Hee-hee! MwaHAHA!! Ha ha haaaaaaa!!! I'm Spazzy, heh!
Adopt a Lunar Dragon!

�����A noisy assemblage of feline-like dragons bound out of a tunnel, running around your feet playfully. "We're Lunar Dragons, no da!" A blue one with spikey bangs and a hat announces. "You can adopt one of us by clicking on that sign, no da!"

The Hidden Grove ����� Dolls and Kao-ani's

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