The Hidden Grove

�����You find yourself in a forest, and the feeling of magic fills the air. To your surprise, the trees appear to part in front of you, revealing a hidden grove of ancient oaks in the midst of the younger, surrounding woods. Suddenly, a blue-haired elf jumps out at you, his sword drawn, yelling "Halt, intruder!!" You let out a startled yelp, and back away, only to trip and fall over a tree root.

I am called Ferren Darkwinter. Who might you be?

�����The elf gives you a sheepish look, seeing that you mean no harm, and puts away his sword. He offers his hand to you, helping you to your feet.
�����"Sorry to scare you like that." He mumbles, embarrassed. "I thought you might be an unwelcome intruder, but it's obvious now that you just wandered in by chance. My name's Ferren Darkwinter. I came here from Sweet Dreams to help protect this grove."
�����"And he sometimes gets carried away with his duty," another elf interrupts, moodily, emerging from the trees. His hair is a few shades darker blue than Ferren's, and he's wearing dark clothes and a sober expression.

......I'm Maygus Darkwinter. Ferren is my younger brother.

�����"I'm Maygus, Ferren's older brother," he announces. "Sorry about the misunderstanding. Ferren only wanted to keep the others safe. Many have come from different lands to reside here. Why don't you go meet them?"

My name is Halo. I'm half elf and half angel. This is Iris, the one whom I shall  love forever. Halo and I love each other very much. Unfortunately, there are those that would oppose our love, because I am a fairy princess, and he is not of my race. It does not matter. Our love will last forever.
I got Halo, Iris, Maygus, and Ferren here!


My name is Nora! My name's Ivy!
Hi, I'm Buttercup! My name's Mina!
I got Nora, Ivy, Buttercup, and Mina here!


Hello, My name is Anastasia. The site fights.


Hi, my name is Sapphire I am Bria Fae. My name's Amethyst.
Enchanted Hollow Enchanted Hollow


The Meadow ����� Dragon's Den

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