Dollies and Kao-ani's
This section is for all the tiny dolls and Kao-ani's I have adopted.

Final Fantasy 8 Dolls! So cute!

Rinoa Heartilly Squall Leonhart Quistis Trepe Zell Dincht Seifer Almasy Laguna Loire Irvine Kinneas Selphie Tilmitt

Rain's Garden


buzzy berry binary bubbles bob

Adopt some here!


Gundam Wing Dolls
(The Zechs doll is my fave! *tee hee* Thanks, Duo!)

Duo Maxwell Heero Yui Quatre Winner Trowa Barton Circus Trowa Chang Wufei
Zechs Merquise

~*Chibi Dreams*~


These aren't exactly adoptions- they're icons from different RPG's I have played.
I got them from The RPG Icons Archive

Bartz Faris Galuf Reina Cara
^ These are from Final Fantasy 5 ^

Terra King Edgar Sabin Locke Mog Celes Setzer An esper Kefka laughs at you, evilly.
^ Final Fantasy 6 Characters ^

Asellus Princess Whiterose Ildon Blue Rouge Lute Emelia Riki Mei Ling
^ Characters from Saga Frontier ^

Young Master McDohl Gremio!!!! *glomp* Cleo Phan Flik Viktor Ted Kirkis Sylvina Stallion
^ Some of the 108 stars from Suikoden (I love that game!) ^

Young Master McDohl It's Gremio again! YAY!!! Phan Cleo Ted Teo McDohl The Sorceress Windy Sonya Milich Oppenheimer. I really hate this guy. *pushes Milich off a cliff and glomps Gremio's arm* -You'll only understand if you play the game. *grin*
^ Suikoden Characters again ^


Azure Cobolt Kashi Wing Comet

These tiny pegasus boys were forum gifts from Starluck.


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