Aulderan City- part 2

Author's note: Again, it wouldn't fit on one page...


     "EEEK a monster!" Candy cried, with mock terror, knowing it wasn't real. It was fun to pretend, though. They were in the funhouse at the amusement park.

     "I'll protect you, fair princess!" Jinx cried, joining in the game. His upset stomach was completely forgotten.

     "And I shall join you in your quest!" Ren called, getting caught up in the spirit of things. It wasn't often that she got to goof around like this, and she enjoyed it when she could.

     "Wait for us!" Chanse cried laughing as she ran after them. Fiore was right behind her. Even he was smiling.

     "Which way?" Candy asked, when they came to an intersection.

     "It's your decision, princess Candy," Jinx said, bowing.

     "Really? Okay! Then we'll go left!"

     The group moved to the left, passing by a bunch of mirrors. They all laughed, as each mirror distorted their reflections in a different way.

     "I'm big!" Candy said, looking in a mirror that made her look tall.

     "So am I! Check me out!" Jinx cried, looking at an image of himself with huge muscles.

     "I'm all wavy!" Chanse said, laughing at her reflection.

     "Help, I shrunk!" Ren laughed.

     "I seem to be covered with red polka dots." Fiore said. "Oh no! It must be the dreaded crimson spot disease! Stay back, I'm contagious!" He rolled on the floor, pretending to die.

     Wow, that's the first time I've seen him goof around like that, Chanse thought, laughing. He's usually so serious. Maybe he and Jinx aren't so different, after all.

     They continued on, through a room with a spinning floor.

     "Whoah! I'm all dizzy!" Candy said, standing in the middle.

     The next room had a giant drawbridge, that shook as they moved across it. Then, they came to a room full of tunnels, that they had to crawl through. Finally, they reached a room with a bunch of buttons.

     "Hey, what's this button do?" Candy wondered, pushing a green one. A rainbow light flashed around the room. "Neat!" She exclaimed, pushing another, which mooed.

     Jinx pressed another, which made a chicken noise. The one Ren pushed created a strobe light effect.

     Chanse and Fiore were standing right next to each other. Fiore selected a big red button. Suddenly, a trap door opened up beneath the two of them, and they slid down a long slide. At the bottom, they landed gently in a huge pile of feathers. Tangled in a heap, they both burst out with laughter.

     Chanse laughed until her sides started hurting. "You... have... feathers in your hair!" She told Fiore between laughs.

     "Well so do you!" Fiore laughed. It had been a while since he had cut loose like this. Usually he was too busy worrying about other things to have much fun.

     Finally, when both of them could stand it no more, the laughter faded. Chanse's face was about a foot away from Fiore's. Their eyes met, and they started to lean even closer to each other, their lips touching.

     "Are you okay down there?" Ren called from above, shattering the moment.

     Reluctantly, they broke out of the kiss.

     "Yes, we're not hurt," Fiore answered, his heart thumping wildly as he pulled a feather out of his hair. Chanse was looking at him, her eyes wide.

     "I... I'm sorry," Fiore stuttered. "I got carried away. I hope you're not mad at me..."

     "No, I'm not mad. Besides, it was more like we kissed each other," she smiled. He does feel the same way, she thought, happily.

     "Ever since... that first time we met, I have felt a connection between us," Fiore admitted. "I'm not sure what it is, but somehow I think our swords have something to do with it."

     "Yes... It's like we're meant to be together." The thought both overjoyed and frightened her.

     "I still need some time... to work something else out," Fiore said sadly. "It has nothing to do with you, this situation is all my fault. It wouldn't be fair to you if we started a relationship now." It wouldn't be fair to Pyra, either. Although he didn't have romantic feelings for her, he still cared about her deeply, and didn't want to hurt her.

     "You mean Pyra, don't you?" Chanse said, softly. She felt a twinge of disappointment, but at least he was being honest with her. "I can't say I blame her, for loving you. I guess... you can't really choose the person you fall in love with." In a way, that thought scared her. She was used to being in control, to setting her own path.

     Fiore nodded. "I suppose that you have heard at least some of the story, then. About how I saved her life." He shuddered, remembering the pain he had been in after taking the attack meant for Pyra. He had been on the brink of death, until Ren's healing magic had brought him back. Even then, he had been weak for quite some time. It wasn't something he liked to think about, much.

     Chanse noticed the change in Fiore's eyes. He's remembering that time, she realized. "Fiore... you... you don't have to talk about it any more, if you don't want to." She said, gently. "Not unless you think it would help."

     Fiore looked up at her, a vulnerable expression on his face that made her heart melt. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug. "I... I'm sorry. Love works in strange ways, sometimes," was all he said.

     "Are you guys coming or what?" Jinx's voice called down.

     "We haven't found a way out yet!" Fiore answered, burying his emotions. Technically it was true, but they hadn't really been looking very hard.

     "There's a ladder over there, Chanse pointed.

     "I guess we should go up then," he said, reluctantly.

     "I guess we should," Chanse sighed.


     After the carnival, Fiore drove them to the biggest mall in the city. Along the way, Chanse looked out at the impressive cityscape. Ren pointed out a few landmarks to her.

     "There's the library, and over there is the theater." Ren was saying. "And that's the music hall right next to it."

     "It's really big!" Chanse replied. Although she was interested in seeing the sights, it was hard to keep her mind from drifting back to Fiore.

     When they got to the mall, Jinx and Candy went off by themselves to buy the chocolate covered pecans for Squinky. Fiore, Ren, and Chanse headed for the bookstore. Chanse was near the register, looking at postcards to send back to her friends at Corinth. Fiore and Ren were closer to the back of the store, browsing through some magical textbooks.

     "You've been awfully quiet for a while. Is something the matter?" Serenity asked, her face full of concern.

     "It's nothing, really," Fiore replied, lamely.

     "Are you sure?" Serenity asked. She could always tell when something was bothering him.

     Fiore gave her a weak smile. "Yes, Ren-chan. I guess I'm just tired. Jinx's snoring kept me awake last night."

     Ren smiled. "Yes, he does snore quite loudly, doesn't he? I sometimes hear it through the walls at home."

     Suddenly, there was a loud yell coming from outside of the store.

     "STOP!!! COME BACK HERE!!!" A female voice hollered.

     "Uh oh!" Chanse cried. She had just finished paying for the postcards she had selected, and was looking out at the source of the commotion. "Hey, guys, you'd better come here!"

     Fiore and Ren exchanged glances.

     "It couldn't be! Could It?" Serenity asked.

     Fiore sighed. "We better go see..."

     The two of them ran to the front of the bookstore, where Chanse was standing.

     "Just look." Chanse pointed out at the commons area of the mall.

     An angry shopkeeper was running after Jinx and Candy, who were, in turn, following after a bag of peanuts that was hovering just over the ground. A crowd of people was starting to gather, watching the chase as it moved back and forth.

     "Stop, you thief!!! Shoplifter!!" The shopkeeper yelled. She was brandishing a broom.

     "SQUINKY!!!" Jinx hollered, dodging the shopkeeper's broom. "You sneaky little stowaway! How could you?!!! I spent all the rest of my money on YOUR chocolate covered pecans! I can't afford to pay for those peanuts, too!!! Give them back to the nice candy store lady!!!"

     Candy was laughing loudly as she chased after the squirrel. She was using her magic lollipop to shoot out a stream of pink goo, which was hitting everyone and everything except Squinky.

     Chanse, Fiore, and Ren exchanged embarrassed glances.

     "Honestly." Ren stated, in a calm voice. "You really can't leave those two alone."

     "I suppose I should go bail him out, as usual," Fiore sighed.

     "I take it stuff like this happens often?" Chanse asked, watching the ruckus. The shopkeeper had managed to land a few swipes of her broom on Jinx's head, and Candy had given up with the pink goo, and was throwing giant candy cane rings around instead.

     "Unfortunately," Fiore sighed. "When it comes to finding trouble, my brother is a genius."

     "And my sisters are both very good at it, too." Serenity added.

     "Hmm," Chanse said thoughtfully. "Well, I can catch the squirrel, but that still leaves the angry shopkeeper."

     "Ren and I can calm her down," Fiore said, confidently.

     "Okay, here goes." Chanse pulled out her flute, playing a bubbly tune. She could feel the element water responding to her call. Soap bubbles, she thought, directing the magic as she played. They formed in front of her. Catch the squirrel, she told them, playing a few additional notes of music.

     The bubbles obeyed her command, drifting forward rapidly to envelope Squinky.

     The invisible squirrel squeaked angrily from inside of the bubble, and popped into view.

     "Huh?" Jinx said, coming to a halt. He looked in the direction the bubbles had come from. "Hey! Boy, am I glad to see you guys!"

     He was so relieved, he didn't notice that the storekeeper was coming up behind him, her broom in hand.

     "Our turn," Fiore said. He and Ren moved forward, intercepting her.

     "Excuse me, miss, but we couldn't help but notice the unfortunate situation that our friends here have caused," Serenity said, innocently.

     "Out of my way!" The girl snapped. "I have no sympathy for shoplifters or their friends!"

     "But couldn't you find it in your heart to forgive my poor, misguided little brother's pet squirrel?" Fiore implored.

     The girl took one look at Fiore, and her cold expression melted. "Umm... well, I... That is... I could get into a lot of trouble with my father, the owner if..." He's so handsome, she thought.

     "I will pay for any damages they may have caused you," Fiore said, pulling out his coin purse. "Are five silver wyvrens enough to cover the peanuts?"

     "W... why, yes, that's more than enough..." The girl blushed, accepting the money.

     "We sincerely apologize for any trouble," Serenity added.

     "Hmph. I won't press charges this time. Just don't let it happen again," The girl snapped. "That squirrel of his should be kept in a cage or something!"

     "Yes, I will talk to him about it, believe me," Fiore agreed. "Again, I apologize. We will trouble you no further." The two of them turned to go, leaving the blushing shopkeeper to stare down at the money Fiore had handed her.

     "Boy, am I glad you guys showed up!" Jinx said, as Fiore, Ren and Chanse approached him.

     "You can stop throwing your candy cane rings around the mall now, Candy." Serenity told her sister, calmly.

     "Do I hafta?!" Candy whined, stopping her attack. She had gotten so involved in her spells that she hadn't even noticed that the situation had been resolved.

     "Yes, young lady, that's quite enough!" Ren said, firmly, raising her voice a little. "All you're doing now is making a big mess!"

     "Awww, fudge." Candy complained, putting her lollipop away. She knew better than to mess with her sister when she took that tone.

     "I thought you said you were leaving that troublesome squirrel of yours back at the school?" Fiore asked his brother, his voice full of exasperation.

     "That's what I though, too, but he stowed away in my camera case." Jinx replied. He glared at Squinky, who was munching away on the stolen peanuts from inside of the bubble. "Little traitor!"

     "It would probably be a good idea to keep him inside the bubble until we get back to the Academy," Chanse stated. "He won't be able to cause any more trouble in there, and these bubbles allow air to pass through, so he won't suffocate."

     Squinky squeaked in protest.

     "I'm afraid I have to agree with her, Squink," Jinx said, regretfully. "You've caused more than enough trouble for one day."

     "We probably should leave the mall, now," Fiore stated, looking around. "A lot of people look angry."

     "Can't say I blame them," Chanse said. Candy's pink goo had buried some of the onlookers, and they were almost finished digging themselves out. There were giant candy cane rings and other sweets everywhere. The mall looked like a pink confectionery nightmare.

     "Hee, hee!" Candy giggled, looking at the mess. "Guess I went a little overboard."

     "Oh, Candy, when will you learn the value of self control?" Serenity sighed.

     "Bunch of magic using weirdoes!!" Someone in the crowd yelled at them, angrily.

     "Go back to that freaky school of yours!" Another hollered.

     "Those 'norms sure look pissed! I think that's our cue to boogie on outta here!" Jinx cried, grabbing Candy's hand, and heading for the exit.

     The others followed him, the bubble containing Squinky hovering just behind Chanse as they ran.


     "That was very embarrassing," Chanse said, when they reached Fiore's skimmer.

     "So now, what do we do?" Jinx asked.

     "I think we've done enough damage for one day," Serenity said, sighing. She would have to wait until next time to go to the theater.

     "Yes, I think you're right, Ren," Fiore agreed. "We should probably head back now."

     "Aww, nuts!" Candy complained. "It's not even seven o'clock yet! It's still early!"

     "And you, young lady, are going to take a bath and go straight to bed when we get back," Ren lectured.

     "Awwwww..." Candy whined.

     They all piled into the skimmer, Jinx once again taking the front seat.

     Chanse gazed out the window as they took to the air. The sun was starting to set, reflecting warm colors off the glass windows of the buildings. It's very beautiful, Chanse thought, but the beauty is all artificial. She was suddenly homesick for the much more woodsy and down to earth atmosphere of Corinth. Lost in her thoughts, she watched as the buildings shrank further and further away. Before she knew it, they were back at the school.

     Candy was asleep, with her head resting on her sister's lap. Fiore picked her up, gently, so as not to wake her.

     "I'll walk you girls back to your dorm," He said, softly, carrying Candy.

     "Hey, Chanse do you think you could?" Jinx asked, pointing to the bubble that contained Squinky. The squirrel looked anxious to get out.

     Chanse touched the bubble, and it popped, releasing the squirrel. Squinky squeaked with joy, and took off.

     "Wait!" Jinx hollered, chasing him. "I have a few things to say to you, buster!"

     The others continued to the girl's dorm. They headed for the Mystic sisters' room first, and Fiore tucked Candy into bed when they got there. Pyra was waiting for them.

     "Fiore pookie! What did you bring me?" She asked.

     "I'm sorry, Pyra. I guess I forgot," Fiore sighed. The incident at the mall had interrupted his shopping trip.

     "You what?!" Pyra asked, startled.

     "It wasn't his fault, really," Serenity broke in, backing him up. "We ran into a little bit of trouble at the mall, and had to leave early."

     "That's an understatement," Chanse muttered.

     Pyra burst out crying, clutching Fiore's arm "Waaahhh! How could you forget about me?! You promised!!"

     "Look, I said I was sorry, Pyra," Fiore said, turning red with embarrassment over the undignified display. "Can't we just leave it at that?"

     "I'm going back to my room now," Chanse said, unable to bear it any longer. For some reason, there was a lump in her throat. She turned to go.

     "Chanse... wait..." Fiore said, feeling torn. She was already gone, however.

     Pyra was still crying as she clung to Fiore's arm. She didn't even notice the exchange between Fiore and Chanse, or the look of sadness in his eyes. "How could you forget your promise!! Don't you love me? That's it, isn't it!? You hate me, don't you?! I'm only a burden to you, aren't I?!"

     "N-no! I never said I hated you, Pyra, but I just..."

     "You do love me, then!" Pyra interrupted. "Oh, Fiore-kins, I knew it! I'm so happy!!" She squeezed his arm.

     "Pyra, I... need some space now," Fiore said, firmly but not unkindly. "Please, let go of my arm."

     Pyra gave him a questioning glance. "Fiore-poo?" She asked, confused by the tone of his voice. "What are you saying?" Her grip on his arm slipped.

     "Goodnight, Pyra," He said, walking out of the room.

     "Darling?" Pyra called after him. "Fiore-sweetums?"

     Fiore didn't answer her. He moved rapidly to the stairwell, taking the steps down two at a time. Once he got outside of the building, he started running.

     I've fought a dragon before, Fiore thought, as he ran away. I've faced many adversaries, and have been through many different trials. So why, when it comes to confronting her, am I such a coward?

     He continued to run, going off of the concrete pathway to enter a wooded area of the campus. His silk shirt got caught in some brambles, which tore at it and scratched his arm, but he paid it no heed.

     Finally, he reached a large oak tree, and collaped beneath it. Only then did he notice his torn shirt and bleeding arm. Looking down at it, he noticed something else as well. It must have gotten caught in my shirt at the carnival, he thought, picking it up.

     In his hand, he held a small, white feather.



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This story and it's characters are © Chibi Ningyo (Cara V.), 2000.
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