Maintain the Balance

Author's note: This short story focuses mainly on Serenity Mystic, the calm light wielder.


     Balance. Control gained through years of rigorous training and discipline. These thoughts went through Serenity Mystic's head, as she stood upon the balance beam in the gymnastics club practice gym.

     With a sudden flourish, she did a cartwheel, her hands griping the balance beam. Then she flipped into the air, twisting around and making a perfect landing on the mat below.

     Several other girls applauded.

     "Way to go Ren!" One yelled.

     Serenity smiled, calmly, her face showing a hint of a blush. "Well, I've been practicing a lot..."

     "Don't be so modest, Ren!" Alaska told her. "You're great! A real pro!"

     "Oh, I'm not that good," Ren insisted, her blush getting darker. There was always room for improvement. Although complete perfection was, by human nature, an impossibility, she strove to do the best that she possibly could.


     It was a beautiful Sunday morning, Serenity noted, as she walked back to her dormroom, her gym bag over her shoulder. The azure sky had not a single cloud, and the birds in the trees were celebrating the joyous occasion with musical twitters. Serenity took a deep breath of the fresh air, letting it out slowly. A familiar presence was approaching, she sensed.

     "Serenity..." Fiore's voice called, from behind her. "I... would like to talk to you, if I may."

     Serenity turned to face him. "Something troubles you, brother," she said, calmly, a look of concern on her face. She had first perceived it yesterday, and thought she had a good idea of what it might be. The two of them knew each other's thoughts so well, they might as well have been real siblings.

     Fiore nodded. "I should have known that you would notice. As you may have guessed... I think I love someone. Someone besides your sister. But I cannot rightfully commit myself to the one I love without first explaining my true feelings to Pyra. It would not be fair to either of them."

     "One cannot control who they fall in love with," Serenity said, softly, wistfully.

     Fiore gave her a questioning glance, but Serenity ignored it.

     "So..." She continued, "you're trying to think of a way to break it gently to Pyra?"

     Fiore nodded. "Yes. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I'm afraid I must. It cannot go on like this any longer. Sometimes I wish... that we were children again. Things were so much simpler back then."

     "Yes," Ren agreed. "But we cannot go back. You can't live in the past, Fiore. But you can learn from it."

     Fiore sighed. "Yes, I know."

     They paused, watching as a butterfly flew by them.

     "I think... that deep down, Pyra knows," Serenity said, finally.

     Fiore looked at her, startled. "Why do you say that?"

     Ren shrugged. "It's just a feeling I get. She wants so much for someone to be there for her, to love and care for her always. For a time, she may have fooled herself into thinking that someone was you. But, deep down, I think she knows you don't love her. Not in the way she wants. It scares her, I think. She doesn't want to be alone."

     "Knowing that doesn't make it much easier," Fiore said, sadly. "I can never be anything other than a big brother to her."

     "Have you tried putting it to her in that way?" Serenity asked.

     Funny... Jinx had told him exactly the same thing about a week ago. "No, I haven't. Every time I have even hinted about my true feelings towards her, she either interrupts me or starts crying."

     Serenity nodded. "Another sign that she's afraid. She doesn't want the illusion to shatter. My advice to you is to approach her as an older brother. Be firm. Don't let her interrupt you. Tell her that, although you will always love and protect her as an older brother would, no more will ever come of it. It may hurt her feelings, but in the long run, she'll realize that it's the best thing for her."

     "Do you really think so?" Fiore asked.

     "Yes, I do," Ren nodded.

     "Thank you, Ren-chan, my sister," Fiore said, giving her a hug. She always knew exactly the right things to say. "If you'll excuse me, now. I... should probably tell her right away."

     "Anytime, dear brother," Ren replied. She watched him as he walked away. Then she sighed, a heavy sigh. Many people came to her for advice. If only she was as good at solving her own problems as she was at helping others solve theirs.

     On a whim, she changed paths, heading for the temple. Several crows greeted her when she arrived. In their midst was a dark-robed figure, a figure she both longed and dreaded to see.


     "My sources tell me that the Four Corners are starting to come together," Magnus Dragonflight said, looking up from his paperwork, as Isis entered his office.

     Isis shut the door behind her. "So soon?"

     "Yes. The path that was set in motion in the past is catching up with the present."

     "And the Axis?" Isis asked.

     "Remains hidden, I'm afraid. Without the Axis, we have no hope of maintaining the balance. But I am confident all will be revealed, when the time is right."

     Isis looked down at Magnus's desk, flipping through the student profiles he had been studying. "They're little more than children. They still need training."

     "Yes, but it must come quickly. I sense that the enemy is finally starting to awaken."

     "Is he gathering warriors of his own, then?"

     Magnus nodded, sadly. "Yes, I believe so. And, if I know him well enough, it is against their will. He has always been good at manipulating people."

     "In some ways, we're no better," Isis said, regretfully.

     "I know. But it cannot be helped. It is their destiny."

     "And what of our destiny, then?" Isis asked, sadly.

     Magnus turned away. "I don't know, Isis, my love." He said softly. "I really don't know..."



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This story and its characters are © Chibi Ningyo (Cara V.), 2000.
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