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Console Wars, Part 2

By Chaos

A cave somewhere...

DLE: Are we there yet?

Locke: No.

DLE: Now?

Banon: NO!

Tritoch: Maybe you shouldn't be carrying that damned sig around!


Tritoch: DUMB esper? I'll show you! (beats DLE to bloody pulp)


Tritoch: I can take yah even WITH these hand cuffs on.

Locke: Oh yeah, those! (picks Tritoch's locks) There yah go!

Tritoch: Thanks man!

Banon: We're coming up to the gateway!

DLE: I think I'll leave my sig here.

Locke: Good idea!


Aaron C. (Evil Aaron): Hahahahahaha! Stupid heroes! Get 'em, Mega Man!

Mega Man: Sorry dude, I work for Playstation now! (blasts Aaron Cohen)

Locke: You lose!

Tritoch: Here comes the hernia.

Locke: Get' em.

DLE: Not again.

Locke: Augh!

Evil Aaron: HAHAHAHAHA. Chain them up, Bombs!

Ba-Bombs surround DLE, Locke, Banon, and Tritoch.

Evil Aaron: You'll NEVER win! I will----AUGH! (sword plunges through Evil Aaron)

Unknown: I am your slayer, defender of, and neutral forever! EvilKnight!

Evil Aaron: Help me, N64Man, I--- ::POOF::

Aaron is gone.

Mario: I'll take care a deez bobombs! Just-a-get my brother-a-back-a!

DLE: Alrighty then!

So Evil Knight, DLE, Banon, Tritoch, and Locke proceed through the portal to Chaos!



Evil Aaron: Aw, shut yer pie hole! I'll get 'em next time.

N64 Man: You better, or I'll--


N64Man and Evil Aaron run to window.

Edgar (through Megaphone again): Give yourself up! We have Luigi AND Bowser!

N64Man: Do you think I give a rat's ass?

Magus: Ooooo! Let's clobber this loser and get him offa the continent of FFML.

Tortolia: I agree! I'll send in my men!

Kharis Knightwind: Do you think that's wise?

Tortolia: Why not?

Kharis: He knows we're here. Your men are good at hand to hand. If we catch him by surprise...

Bio: I see. So this is like a bluff!

Magus: Yes.

Edgar: I'll give them a warning shot. (louder) POWER IT UP, BOYS!

Back at N64Domain...

Evil Aaron: Uh, sir?

N64 Man: What?

Evil Aaron: Now?


Back at the maurading fleet...

Edgar: Get ready, and...

Soldier: Fire?

Edgar: Not yet.

Magus: Um, Edgar?

Edgar: Yes? Do you smell smoke?

Magus: FIRE!

They look up see a magnitude of fireballs streaming towards them.

Edgar: GET DOWN!

Bio: Fire in the hole!

Kharis: Pull out!

Tortolia: Back to Sony Inc.!

But it's too late. The fireballs nail them at immense speed...

N64 Man: Good work, Tellah.

Tellah: You forced me to...augh...use that darned...oooo...spell, Meteo.

N64 Man: Yes, and now you have served your usefulness.

Tellah: NO!

He was never heard from again.

At the rubble of the fleet...

Edgar: NO! P.A.M.C.F. IS GONE!

Magus: We'll stop him yet!

Bio: It's too late.

Tortolia: Look over there.

Kharis: NO! They're heading towards Sony!

Soldier 2 of 6: Sir! What now?

Magus: You stay here.

Bio: What?

Magus: No, just the normal troops. Bio, Edgar, Tortolia, Kharis, we may be faced with a problem.

Tortolia: What, our friggen army was slaughtered?

Magus: No. The only way to save Sony, from those cheapo bastards, is to consult the ultimate Earthling...Chaos, Lord of the Galaxy!

Edgar: I think he's right.

So, Edgar, Tortolia, Magus, Bio, and Kharis head off to see Chaos in one party, while DLE, Locke, Bannon, Tritoch, and Evil Knight head off to see Chaos in another party, and N64 Man heads toward Sony. Is this the end? Find out next time!!!!!

Console Wars, Part 3

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