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Edgar 1/2

by Amber Berebitsky

"For the last time, we're going to the Recovery Spring!" Sabin yelled to his brother. "And it's because you need some martial arts training!"

From behind, Edgar moaned. "How will we know when we've found it? There's a million springs around here, and neither one of us can read Doman!"

"I can!" Sabin said. "Now get a move on!"

About an hour later, they reached the spring. Several thin walkways, about the size of gymnast beams, ran across the surface of the water.

"Ideal for balance!" Sabin exclaimed. "Now, get up there!" Grudgingly, Edgar climbed onto the nearest beam. Sabin swung a punch and missed. Edgar countered with a weak kick, and Sabin roundhoused him.


"Sorry brother! That's the nature of training! Gotta be ready for anything!"

Edgar stared up at the sky. Why did he agree to this?


"Edgar? Edgar?" Sabin gulped. He hoped his brother was O.K....that punch caught him off guard.

A figure emerged from the far end of the pool. A young woman. Maybe she had seen Edgar fall in. Sabin hurried over...

"What'd ya do that for?" the girl screamed.

"Huh? Have you seen my brother?"

"I AM your brother, dunce! Dontcha recognize me? I'm the same Edgar I've always been!"

Someone called from the other side of the spring. "Sabin! Thank the Goddesses I got here in time!" Duncan paused to catch his breath. "Since the Cataclysm, this hasn't been a Recovery Spring! It's been a..." His eyes rested on the shapely young woman next to his student. "I thought you were bringing Edgar here..."

"I AM Edgar! Can't you two see?"

Duncan got a sudden sinking feeling. "So that's what they meant by a 'cursed spring'!"

At the same time, in the mountains of the Serpent Continent, a great evil awoke. Pale as the death he brought (or at least tried to bring), the man remembered what had happened. His liege, the God of Destruction, was gone, defeated by the Returners.

The Returners! The man stood and clenched his fists. Revenge would indeed be sweet. Especially against that wimp of a king, Edgar Figaro, who had knocked the man into unconsciousness during their battle.

Laughing, the man straightened his blue uniform. His liege loved to laugh, and as the sole remnant of the Cult of Kefka, the Magi-Master saw no reason why he shouldn't as well. Completely involved in laughter, the Magi-Master walked into a post, knocking himself out again.

Back at Figaro Castle, Terra was in a foul mood. She was usually a very calm, pleasant girl, but this man would try the patience of...well, anyone.

"Terra Branford, I offer to thee a present."

Siegfried. Everywhere she went, Siegfried followed. Ever since Edgar left on that training expedition, every man in Figaro thought it was prime time to try and win the heart of the beautious half-Esper.

"Terra Branford, loveliest of girls. As I promised, I have slain the beast to prove myself."

But Siegfried was the worst. Thinking he was proving anything by fighting Sand Rays and FossilFangs.

Amateur, she thought.

"MY LOVE!!!!!"

With a lightning motion, Terra punched the advancing Siegfried in the stomach, bringing him to his knees. Groaning, he looked up and smiled weakly.

"To be struck by one so beautiful as you...Truly an honor..."

"Oh shut up."


"Ohnnnn...if anyone finds out about this, I'm screwed! And not in the good way, either!"

Sabin grunted. "Turn into a girl and you're still horny as a guy. Lissen, Duncan said that all you gotta do is stay away from cold water. We live in the middle of the desert! Cold water is a precious commodity!"

Edgar groaned again. "Not...anymore..."


"The Figaro Irrigation Project, remember?"

"Oh...but that's only over a small area, not the castle. And we got plenty of hot water to turn you back, just in case. Anyway, we should tell the Matron." Sabin looked up with a grin. "Hey...I always wanted a sister...!"

Edgar punched him.

Edgar 1/2, part 2

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