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FF High: Part 1

By Golbez

Back by popular demand!

Disclaimer: No characters portrayed in this fic are owned by me...yadda yadda yadda...You know the drill. ^^

We open to a view of Locke riding a motorcycle, obviously above the speed limit, down some service streets on his way to school.

Narrator: Life was never exactly easy for Locke Cole. His dad left his mom when he was still a kid. He had to rely on stea....TREASURE HUNTING to get by...but he kept a good attitude and normally had a smile on his face. He had a beautiful girlfriend, and reliable friends who don't mind loaning him out a few long as they didn't know. Yep, he was truly the underdog, beating the odds and all that. Suffice to say, life wasn't so bad for Locke Cole.

Locke: Crap! I'm late! Celes is gonna give me hell!

Narrarator: Of course, even a th...treasure hunter can't keep his cool all the time.

We see Locke speeding down the roads and blazing by a few dozen cars until he finally turns into a large high school parking lot. The high school looks more like a university, with its large brick main building and huge front lawn. A few students are lounging around on the lawn while others are rushing to their next class, already late. Locke parks his bike, locks it up, then grabs his bag from the back compartment. He checks his watch, and, seeing it's already way too late to sneak into class, sighs and heads for the cafeteria.

Locke: Oh well...I wasn't exactly looking forward to another lecture on "the elements of magic." That's all that old crone SoYa talks about anyway! *sighs* I guess I'll get something to munch on, then.

Locke enters the cafeteria, waving to a few friends he knows inside, then picks up a few donuts and a cup of coffee from the counter, actually paying for once. He goes back outside and lounges on the grass like oh-so-many other goof-offs. Time passes and Locke starts getting bored...that is, until he sees a rather tall, dark man in a brownish trenchcoat walk by...

Locke: {Hey! I know him!} *waves* Hey! Clyde! What's up!? (smiles)

Clyde: What? *looks around confused, then finally notices Locke. He grins a bit then approaches him* Why aren't you in class?

Locke: I could ask you the same question. *grins*

Clyde: I don't take a first period class now. Made up enough credits during the summer.

Locke: Well, aren't we the obedient student? *grin widens*

Clyde: (keeps a straight expression) You should know that acting that obnoxious is practically yelling for someone to dig a grave for you.

Locke: *looks smug* Is that a threat? *looks shocked*

Clyde: Don't give me that. *sighs* I'll see you later. (starts walking away)

Locke: (calls to him) See you in PE, Clydie! *grins again*

Clyde: *cringes* *Note to self: beat the crap out of Locke at later date*

Clyde walks away and Locke resumes his cloudgazing. Eventually, Locke hears the bell ring, signaling the end of first period. He decides to see if he can meet up with Celes before his next...first class of the day. ^^

Locke: (sees Sabin by his locker) Hey Sabes! How are ya? *grins*

Sabin: *sighs* Stop calling me that!

Locke: (pats him on the shoulder) Hey! Calm down! We're buddies, right? Known each other since we were kids, ne?

Sabin: (looks cautious) Yeah....I guess...

Locke: *grins* So how you doing in Economics now? *laughs* Man, I sure am glad I'm not a prince! All having to learn politics and all that.

Sabin: *sighs* Yeah...

Unknown to Sabin, Locke has been slowly inching his hand lower and over to his wallet when he hears something.

Celes: (calling from the other end of the hall) Hey, Locke!

This catches Sabin's attention and he finally notices what Locke's been doing. He immediately goes into a rage.

Sabin: You little prick! PUMMEL! *hits Locke repeatedly and stomps away*

Locke peels himself off the wall of lockers and makes his way over to Celes.

Locke: *rubs a bruise* Oww... hey Celes.

Celes: (looks annoyed) Why do you do that to poor Sabin? I thought you were friends! And why weren't you in Magic class?

Locke: He knows I'm just kidding around, and I already had plenty of sleep. *grins*

Celes: (has an unamused expression) Very funny. Come over here and walk with me, you jerk. *grins a little then Locke then starts walking with Celes* You going to PE?

Locke: Well, it's the only class I have a passing grade in. *grins* So Terra, you dating anyone yet?

Terra: *sighs* No. I still haven't met a single guy here who isn't either a jock or a psychopath.

Locke: Come on, we aren't all that bad. Hey, I know this one guy, his name's Clyde. He's kind of quiet but I think you'd like him. *smiles*

Terra: I doubt it. Well, I got to get to Martial Arts. Seeya! (She turns into her esper form and flies away.)

Locke: (stares at Terra's disappearing form) I'll never get tired of seeing that...

Celes: (also staring) You're telling me.

Locke: (snaps out of it and turns to Celes) So...*bows* May I have the pleasure of escorting my lady to her next class?

Celes: (looks smug) I'd be honored. *grins*

Locke holds out an arm and Celes puts her hand in his. They both make their way to PE class, classmates staring at them all the way.

Classmate 1 (male): Hey? What's up with them? (points to Locke and Celes)

Classmate 2 (male): Don't ask me, maybe they're under a confuse spell or something...

Classmate 3 (female): (bonks the 2 guys on the head) Idiots! They're in love, you jerks!

Classmate 1 & 2: (rub their heads) Ooohhhhh......

Classmate 3: *grumbles* Boys....

We now make our way to the gym of FF High. There we see our hero of the chapter, Locke, and Celes stretching on the ground. They are both in gym clothes (t-shirt & shorts). We can see Clyde in the far corner of the room, leaning against the wall, unnoticed like a fly. There are many other students stretching, practicing some indoor sports, and a few flying through some hoops hanging from the ceiling in certain patterns.

Locke: (stretching his legs) So....have any plans for this weekend yet?

Celes: (stretching her arms) Why? You wanna take me out? *grins*

Locke: Maybe. *grins right back* But seriously, I don't like seeing Terra down like that. I think setting her up with Clyde might do 'em both some good. *smiles*

Celes: Who IS this Clyde guy you keep on talking about?

Locke points over to Clyde who is now ricocheting off the walls in a corner of the room, then lands on the ground as silent as a mouse.

Celes: (gives Locke the "slanty eyed" look) You're kidding me. Ninja boy?

Locke: What? You ever talk to him? You're always saying I shouldn't be so judgmental, and here you are, not following your own advice. I just think they might get along, is all. (finishes stretching and stands up)

Celes: But...he's just so...creepy...*shudders*

Locke: Come trust me, right? *smiles*

Celes: (face looks expressionless for a second) ......Umm...yeah...

Locke: Hey! Why the hesitation? (looks insulted)

Celes: (regains the expressionless face again) ......No reason....

Locke: *humphs* Well, I'm gonna go ask him! (starts walking over to Clyde)

Clyde notices Locke approaching him and neatly stops his wall hopping and lands right in front of him.

Clyde: (eyeing Locke wearily) Something you need?

Locke: *smiles* Nothing really. Hey! You don't have a girlfriend or nothing, right?

Clyde: Why do you ask? (now giving him a suspicious look)

Locke: Oh, nothing...It's just that I know this girl...

Clyde: Yeah...and what about this girl?

Locke: I just think you two might get along, is all! How about I set a date up for ya? What da ya say? We can double up with me and Celes, ne? *grins*

Clyde: Wait! Stop for a second! First, I don't even LIKE you very much! Second, you haven't even said anything about this girl yet!

Locke: Oh? You want a picture or something? (calls to Celes) Hey! Celes! Can ya come over here for a sec?

Celes walks over to Locke's side, giving Clyde a cautious gaze.

Celes: What NOW?

Locke: Umm, you wouldn't happen to have a picture of our dear friend Terra on you right now, would you?

Celes: *sighs* Let me check. (She walks over to the side of the gym and searches through her bag. She pulls out a small book and walks back to Locke and Clyde.) Here. (flips to a page with a few pics of Terra in various situations and hands it to him)

Locke: Hmmm...very nice. *grins* Take a look, Clyde ol' buddy. (hands the book to Clyde)

Clyde: (takes a few glances at the book) Hmmm...isn't this the half-esper girl I've heard about?

Locke: Yeah...why? You got something against espers or something? (looks disturbed)

Clyde: No, not at all. (has a thoughtful expression for a second) All right, I'll go along with this. How about this weekend?

Locke: *grins* Sounds good to me. That okay with you, Celes?

Celes: *nods* Sounds all right. Saturday at 7?

Locke: Cool. (looks to Clyde) It cool?

Clyde: It's cool. Now if you two will excuse me. (ricochets off the wall he was leaning against and disappears in a puff of smoke)

Locke: (stares at the spot Clyde disappeared) thing's for sure...they both know how to make an exit, ne?

Celes: (also staring) You're telling me...

End of part 1

Well...what'd you think? C & C welcome. Flames extinguished. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

Note: I'm looking for some prereaders! If you hate being held in suspense for a few weeks at a time for a new chapter then e-mail me! My address for pre-reader requests is [email protected]

FF High: Part 2

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