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FF High

By Golbez

Hihi! This is my first fanfic so don't be too hard on it ^^ I'm not exactly the best writer in the world either so I'll probably have some spelling mistakes, bad word usage and all that, but hey! I'm still a teenager! That's what we do! ^_^ Well, hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: All characters here are the property of Squaresoft. They are being used without their permission so hopefully I don't get sued or anything for this ^_^.

It was a brisk autumn morning and people were just getting up to start their days at work. Students at FF High, however, have been in class for over an hour. In one such class we see two friends chatting while their teacher lectured in the background. One was a very pretty blond-haired girl in a blouse and a skirt. She had a pretty face and a bright smile. Her friend was green-haired and wearing a similar outfit. She, however, had a much more subtle beauty that one probably wouldn't notice on a first glance.

Terra: (whispers) I always hate Magic class.

Celes: (whispers back) Cheer up Terr! It's not so bad!

FuSoYa: (raises his voice) Terra! Celes! How many times do I have to tell you no talking!

The scene then shows a schoolroom. There is a distinct difference however. Instead of chalkboards and desks there are various scrolls and books and only a few large tables. Various people are sleeping behind stood up books and everyone else has a bored look on their faces. The two girls look slightly embarrased and say they are sorry. The teacher, a rather short, old, balding man with white hair and a normally happy attitude, returns to his lecture.

FuSoYa: Now as I was saying, the element of something can have a....

Terra: (starts whispering again) So how are you and that loser boyfriend of yours?

Celes: Don't call him a loser! He just isn't in class sometimes.

Terra: Yeah. Try three out of five days of the week!

Celes: Yeah, yeah. Well at least I have one!

Terra: Yeah, well, if there were any guys here that weren't total idiots then I might get one!

Celes: Well, how about Mr. Leo? I see how you look at him in Swordplay.

Terra: *blushes* I do not!

Celes: *grins* Sure...sure...whatever you say...

FuSoYa: (raises his voice again) Girls! I said no talking!

Celes and Terra: *roll their eyes* We're sorry Mr. SoYa.

The scene switches to a hallway of the school. You can see various people wearing backpacks, walking, running, flying, and jumping their way to their next class. Edgar is standing against some lockers there with a bunch of girls crowding around him.

Edgar: Ladies, ladies! There's plenty of me for everyone! (sees Rydia walk down the hallway) Hey Rydia! How about a date with me?

Rydia: *sighs tiredly* Sorry, I don't date perverts.

At this she blasts him across the hall with a lit 2. All the girls in the hallway who weren't crowding around Edgar all clap in applause. Rydia smiles.

Rydia: Thank you. You're all too kind.

Terra: (watches with a disgusted expression) I mean, if Edgar really likes her, then he really shouldn't be with all those other girls.

Celes: Totally. Hey Locke! (sees Locke trying to steal something from Sabin. Sabin then notices him, pummels Locke, then stomps away grumbling.)

Locke: *rubs a bruise* Oww... hey Celes.

Celes: (looks annoyed) Why do you do that to poor Sabin? I thought you were friends! And why weren't you in Magic class?

Locke: He knows I'm just kidding around and I already had plenty of sleep.

Celes: (has an unamused expression) Very funny. Come over here and walk with me you jerk. *grins a little, then Locke then starts walking with Celes* You going to PE?

Locke: Well it's the only class I have a passing grade in. *grins* So Terra, you dating anyone yet?

Terra: *sighs* No. I still haven't met a single guy here who isn't either a jock or a psychopath.

Locke: Come on, we aren't all that bad. Hey I know this one guy, his name's Clyde. He's kind of quiet but I think you'd like him. *smiles*

Terra: I doubt it. Well, I got to get to martial arts. Seeya! (she then turns into her esper form and flies away)

Locke: (stares at Terra's disappearing form) I'll never get tired of seeing that...

Celes: (also staring) You're telling me.

The scene changes to a gym with various weapons on the walls. People are seen sparring or practicing moves on the floor while some are practice mid-air techniques. Terra then comes blazing in and stops in front of two girls.

Terra: Hey Tifa! Aerith!

Tifa: Hi Terra. (throws a roundhouse at Aerith only to be blocked by her staff)

Aerith: Hey Terra! (throws a strike at Tifa but is blocked also)

We now see the two girls more clearly. One is a pretty brown-haired girl in a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. She has a calm face that gives you a warm feeling inside. The other girl is black-haired and radiates a strong, vibrant beauty. She's wearing a tight white shirt and a black mini skirt with some large reddish gloves. Aerith is wielding a large bo staff while Tifa seems to be able to hold her own bare-handed.

Terra: So what are we doing today?

Tifa: I think we're doing Aura Manipulation. (thrusts at Aerith with a punch)

Aerith: No we're doing Meditation today. (dodges) We're doing Aura Manipulation tomorrow. (tries to trip Tifa with her staff)

Tifa: Oh ye--AAHH! (trips and falls flat on her butt) Oww...

Aerith: Come on! That was an easy trip! Why did you fall for it? (She then notices that Tifa is looking at something and turns to see what it is. It turns out to be Cloud, but with a bokken instead of a sword.)

Aerith and Tifa: (both have starry eyes and cute smiles on their faces) Hi Cloud!

Cloud: (looks tired) Ugh...Hi Aerith. Hi Tifa.

Aerith: {He said my name first!} (smile brightens) How are you today, Cloud?

Cloud: *smiles a bit* I'm okay, thanks.

Tifa: {Damn! He said her name first!} *frowns a bit but returns to her bright smile a second later* Did you have a good night's sleep?

Cloud: Not really. I was up all night studying for the test in Monster Anatomy today...I'm okay now, though.

Aerith: Oh. Well, that's good. I hope you do good on it! *smiles*

Tifa: Yeah! Me too!

Cloud: *smiles* Thanks.

They then all sit at their assigned spots on the floor. Tifa and Aerith are, of course, sitting next to Cloud. Terra gives the three a look, then goes to her spot. A few minutes later, "Mr. Leo" walks in with a bag of equipment. He sets it on the ground then starts taking roll. Terra takes a few glances at him but says nothing. While the teacher is busy, Tifa slowly inches closer to Cloud. Aerith notices, however, and does the same. Cloud, still in a half-dazed state from lack of sleep, is unaware. It eventually gets to a point where the two are shoving Cloud back and forth in a tug-of-war.

Aerith: Let *urgh* go, Tifa! Cloud's tired! He needs to rest!

Tifa: You *umph* first!

Leo finally notices this and orders them both to stop. They both blush slightly and go back to their spots quietly. Cloud finally snaps out of his trance and looks confused. Terra looks at the three again and sighs. She then notices class is starting so she turns forward, paying apt attention to Mr. Leo.

End of Prologue

(Note: All the characters' ages are changed to correspond to them being in high school, but I'm sure you figured that out.)

So what did you think? I just thought, what would it be like if some Final Fantasy characters were all in high school? and this was the result. This is just a prologue, so send me comments if you want more!

FF High: Part 1

Send comments to the author, Golbez!

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