Shipping to and from Hawaii

Updated Aug. 7, 2002

As a person who lives in Hawaii and has been involved in many auctions, sales, and trades through the 'Net, I have naturally been asked the following question many times:

"Just how much is shipping to/from Hawaii?"

There are lots of misconceptions about Hawaii. Shipping costs are especially overrated (most times). And we all know money is a delicate matter, so I have put together this little FAQ to hopefully answer all your questions about the subject.

If there are any other questions you have, please e-mail me and not only will I endeavor to answer your question, I may even include it on this FAQ if it is reasonable enough. (Unfortunately, my old myecom address no longer works. Until I can set up a new email address, I will not be able to receive messages concerning this site.) Oh, and feel free to link to this page! ^_^

That said, on with the Q&A!

  • How much does it cost to mail a letter to Hawaii from the continental U.S.?
  • Do I need to use international postage?
  • Do I need to put the country "USA" in the address?
  • What is the postal state abbreviation for Hawaii?
  • How much is priority shipping to/from Hawaii?
  • Is insurance, registered mail, proof of delivery, etc. etc. available?
  • How much is UPS, FedEx, etc. shipping to/from Hawaii?
  • I'm still lost. Can you give me a sample address?
  • Do you accept American money?

    Q: How much does it cost to mail a letter to Hawaii from the continental U.S. (otherwise known as the mainland)?

    A: First, a little history. Hawaii became a state in 1959. We are not merely a territory or a possession (those involved in the sovreignty movement may disagree, but that has no bearing on postage issues). Therefore, the postage to Hawaii follows normal U.S. Postal Service regulations -- right now, it's 37 cents for a 1-ounce letter.

    Q: Do I need to use international postage?

    A: No, not if you live within the United States. Regular postage is fine. Don't spend 50 cents more on postage you don't need to attach. For letters mailed to/from Hawaii from outside the U.S., international postage is needed.

    Q: Do I need to put the country "USA" in the address?

    A: No, unless you're outside the U.S. As stated earlier, Hawaii is a U.S. state. But if you REALLY feel the URGE to, go right ahead. ^_~

    Q: What is the postal state abbreviation for Hawaii?

    A: HI.

    Q: How much is priority shipping to/from Hawaii?

    A: Whatever the USPS deems it to be. I say again: Hawaii is a state, and as such, we abide by the normal costs set by the USPS. As of now, priority shipping up to 1 pound costs $3.85.

    Q: Is insurance, registered mail, proof of delivery, etc. etc. available when mailing to Hawaii?

    A: Yes, all through the USPS. Of course, if you choose these options, they will increase the amount of postage you pay.

    Q: How much is UPS, FedEx, etc. shipping to/from Hawaii?

    A: They're both pretty expensive. Because Hawaii is across the sea, UPS Ground delivery is unavailable. (I wait for the day they build a 3,000-mile bridge between here and California. Even then, it'll still be expensive as heck. ^_~) It may cost anywhere from $7.50 and up. Check the UPS website or the FedEx website for their current rates.

    Q: I'm still lost. Can you give me a sample address?

    A: Just a nice regular address:

    Joe Whoever
    12-333 Moana St.
    Honolulu, HI 96800

    Q: Do you accept American money?

    A: You know, I seriously hope I will NEVER get this question from an American citizen. (I haven't gotten it YET, but there's always a first time...^_~)

    Remember, if you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me. (Unfortunately, my old myecom address no longer works. Until I can set up a new email address, I will not be able to receive messages concerning this site.) Please, don't waste time by asking a crazy question. If your question is valid, I will respond.

    Thank you and happy buying! ^_^
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