Chico is a purebred male Pomeranian. He was born in September of 2003. He lives with his family in beautiful British Columbia. Chico has the most gorgeous temperament ever. Chico is learning basic tricks such as sit and down. He loves playing in the backyard but only when someone is watching him. Chico likes having baths but he hates the hair drying part after. Chico loves going for walks and he is very sociable. Chico makes friends with the biggest dogs at the park, such as pitbulls and rotties. They are just his friends.
From Chico's perspective:
Hi, I'm Chico. I wake up at around 7:30am every morning. Unfortunately my roommate does not wake up at the same time. When she wakes me up she takes me outside to do my business. Then I get a nice big bowl of "Go Natural" dog food. This is the only dog food that I like. Every time I hear my roommate talking about it, she always says, "Of course he likes the most expensive dog food." Whatever that means! I get to do whatever I want after I eat, but my favorite thing to do is watch everyone else eat. Occasionally I will get a scrap from their meal, but they say that I am "gaining too much weight" so they are going to "stop feeding me extra human food." Whatever that means! A guy named Sonny likes to play with me. We wrestle, and he chases me, it is a lot of fun. A girl named Nilum is the one that gives me my baths and meals. Different people always take me for walks, I am really lucky. Someone named Mom does not really take care of me because she used to be scared of dogs,but I think she is finally realizing that I am not a dog. Someone they call Dad plays with me too. He whistles and stuff and I like to sing along with him. He can be a lot of fun. The girl who is with Sonny a lot is not home a lot. But when she comes home she can be fun too. Today she was trying to see if I would run through a cloth when she held it up. She takes my pictures too. Sometimes I get to go visit our best friend Tanya. Tanya is a lot of fun, and she lets me sleep beside her in her bed. At Tanya's house I am allowed to do whatever I want. Sometimes they take me to a place called Duniya Dance Academy. This is a fun place but sometimes it can be scary because sometimes there are a lot of strange people there. But I like it because they play a lot of bhangra music, and I am learning how to do bhangra!
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