Starfleet Technical Database
An Alternate Take on
Paradoxes and Problems in the Star Trek Universe
Maintained by Praetor Neral
Welcome to Starfleet Technical. As a Star Trek fan of the past fifteen years, I've often been fascinated with various puzzles found in the Star Trek Universe. As intersting as the things are that we are shown and explained, surely trying to understand the apparent conundrums of the various series and movies are even more interesting.

I've created this site to essentially take on a number of topics that are hotly debated in fandom. My views are not definitive, and nor should they be taken as such. They are merely my views and opinions; take them for what you will. For the most part, I stay in-universe onthe various topics found below. I'd love to hear input on my theories, or answer any questions you may have. Feel free to email me at the link above, or find me on the
TrekBBS. Pleasant viewing, and Live Long and Prosper.
Main Index of Topics:
Enterprise and the 22nd Century
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Excelsior Class Technical Manual
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