"On land, on sea, at home, abroad, I smoke my pipe and worship God" Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750

August 2001
Published with the belief that God acknowledges no distinction between the secular and the sacred.

In this issue:


My apology to to readers of THE CHURCHWARDEN for the lack of original content in this issue. I have been in the process of buying a house (an obscenely overpriced people box sadly situated square in the middle of the city, but a much better alternative than paying rent) and consequently my time has been consumed with bureaucratic insanity and preparing to move. The September issue probably won't happen at all because now I have spend the greater part of August unpacking a million boxes full of worthless crap--in other words, basically everything I own excluding the books, guns, pipes and fly rods--leaving little time for writing and editing Plus, I will not have computer service for a couple of weeks since the house needs some electrical work before it's safe to plug in my iMac--so I'm told. Thus, the next issue of this heretical rag will come out in October. And remember, if you email THE CHURCHWARDEN during the month of August but get no response, it's only because I'm not back online yet. Thanks for being understanding.

Perry Fuller

blue ribbon

Maybe THE CHURCHWARDEN WRITING CONTEST was simply a bad idea, or perhaps I failed to handle it properly. Surprisingly, only two people submitted their story in hopes of winning a briar pipe, an overdose of Father Felim McAllister's Battenkill Blend and a few nice books. The one person is Karl Barth who disqualified himself for a variety of reasons, amongst which are that he is dead and his contest entry exceeded fourteen incomprehensible volumes. The only other contestant is Tony Kail, who appears to be very much alive and well, at least for the present moment. However, there's no telling what may happen when he lights up a bowl of McAllister's special tobacco mixture.

I am thankful for Tony's essay. It saved the contest from becoming a complete failure. Next year I may try this again. If you have any suggestions for promoting greater participation, please make them known. Outdoor writing is unclaimed territory for the Christian and, for the glory of God, I would love to publish a number of first class hunting, fishing and pipe stories which unabashedly express a biblical world and life perspective.

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